
Westboro Baptist Church at McLean Funeral??

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SO...what do you guys think of these crazy people protesting at Tim McLean's funeral because they claim that his death is God's reaction at a country that condones homosexuality, abortion and lives "filthy lives"?




  1. I live in BC, Canada.

    I was soooo disgusted when I heard this. I can't even begin to comprehend how these people can actually think this is God's doing, they must seriously be delusional. It just sickens me.  

  2. I really wish that that Cult would stop calling themselves Baptist.

    The Branch Davidian's Have nothing on this Cult. They are basically and inbred family. I think that the real reason that they protest is because their leader is a closet homo.

    They 'claim' to be doing 'Gods work' but they are absolutely going against New Testament Teachings. SO we can scratch the 'Gods work' portion. Which would then indicate they are working for another god.

    So As far as I am concerned these folks can take a long walk off a short pier, and the sooner the better.

  3. they should examine their own lives a little more closely.

  4. It is bizarre and reprehensible, just like the event last week that provoked it.

    I was hoping on clarification of exactly what Tim Maclean himself was supposed to have done in order to have deserved a death of that nature, especially at his young age.

    Canada has its share of skeletons in the closet and in the realm of the self-evident.  I personally doubt, however, whether Tim Maclean himself was even involved in homosexuality, had an abortion or even voted on the platform of these policies.  Is working at a carnival considered to be an abominable sin?  I am sure the kids of these Westbro Baptist Church members like carnival rides.  I guess maybe he got hot working under the sun, so he tried to cool off with a beer.

    Why don't these people protest what George W. Bush and others have done to mutilate face, necks and heads in the Middle East?  Do they deserve it for the immorality of the American government?

    They are crazy.  "We are all in the gutter, but some of us aare looking at the stars." (Oscar Wilde).  Some people stoop lower than the gutter when they try to air their views.  

  5. Don't worry people these cults usually end up drinking some poison kool aid sooner or later to go to god or the ufo or what ever they believe in. Just let them play around sooner or later they will be gone.

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