
Western Australia is the best place in da World!! do you agree?

by  |  earlier

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I think so .........

WA rules!




  1. You have a picture of an arctic seal as your profile picture... .and you think a place that is hot is the best place in the world..... tisk tisk.

    Never been, but I'm sure it's nice.

    I'm also positive that most peopel that live in the first world believe that they alone live in the best place in the world and that no other place can possibly surpass it.

    I suppose it really depends what you're into and all but.... although I have never been to WA..... I'm sure it's very nice and has alot to offer.

  2. dont know, never been there, but i want to some day.

  3. A place is only as beautiful as the people who live there.

    Perf is awesome.

  4. Yes,

    im in the philippines and i will be there after 3 weeks!

    im very much excited though.

    I love Australia.

    my mom and dad lives in Perth (morley)

    i just shared :D lol.

    WA is very nice. i love it

  5. I agree but I am biased.

    That's OK Tiffany after looking at your details you wouldn't qualify to live here anyway we are very picky about who comes to our land which by the way is the best country in the world.

  6. it is a nice place for a vaccation cant live there bro

  7. No, I disagree. I would never live in Australia.

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