
Western in hand showmanship classes?

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how can i teach my horse to pivot? i never seem to place in showmanship classes and i think it is because my horse doesn't know how to pivot. she is perfect on everything else. i went to a clinic with a certified judge and when we were focusing on halter classes she said the only thing i need to work on is pivoting, but i don't know how to teach my horse. when i tried the judges way, it didn't work. Help!!!!




  1. i just taught my TB mare to pivot the other day, and she caught on rather quickly. a correct pivot leaves the right hind foot motionless. stand your horse square, and push with the shank away from you. watch her right hind foot. ask her for one step, and if she keeps that back foot on the ground, stop and praise her. if she moves it while you took that step, pop the shank just a bit and so a firm NO. she'll think "okay, that was wrong." then ask for another step. repeat this until she consistantly turns on that hind right without moving. then ask for two steps at a time and repeat the whole thing over. thank ask for three steps at a time. then eventually she'll be able to spin right around and dig a hole with that back right! :) just work with her in short intervals every day and she'll pick it up. just go slow and she'll get it. this is how i trained my champion showmanship horse to do it, and he'll whip right around like nothin' now! =]

  2. Keep forward motion in your haunch turns. If your horse steps back with its pivot foot, rock his/her weight forward with your lead. If you have to while you're learning, push his shoulder over to encourage a pivot, or smack it with the leadrope. Take it slow at first, one or two steps, then whoa. Then try a couple more until you've done a full haunch turn. As he gets better at it, increase your speed. Work on showmanship like everyday, for a couple minutes and it will improve quickly.

  3. The way I taught my horse to pivot was to have them standing square to begin with. Turn and face their neck so you and the horse make a 90degree angle. Push the horses head away from you while tapping the front shoulder close to you. When the horse moves their front feet the smallest bit and the back feet stay in place, take all the pressure off and reward the horse. Just do that over and over til you only have to pull their head away from you and she will pivot. Hope I wasn't too confusing. Good Luck!!

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