so, my OTTB gelding who is 19 has the slowest walk in the world. i swear it is SlOWER then the western pleasure walks, and that just wont due for dressage!
he is sound and healthy and just had his hocks done so it can't be a pain issue.. also, when we wants to walk somewhere he has a really nice foreward walk... he also has a nice walk in the field.. but in the rings he just doesn't move.
i've tried letting go of the reins and just nudging him on but he goes from slow walk to trot.. nothing in between,
i've tried collecting him at the walk and then nudging him on but his walk improves only slightly and then he goes into trot.
i've tried using both legs at once, and alternating with the stride right and left leg..
even comming down from the other gaits he'll go from a nice collected foreward trot to his slow walk, hes even gone from one of his bolts to his slow walk (though he hasn't bolted in months)
any ideas appreciatedd!