
Western themed party games?

by  |  earlier

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There is a customer apperication day coming up for a near-by office, and my grandma has been asked to maybe think of ideas for the games...

The day has people of all ages coming, and, it is western themed (God only knows why.)

There is a band coming and playing music, so kareoke is already not an option, we have already decided that.

What I need are some ideas as to what games to play?

There will be young children, so maybe some ideal games for their age.

Teens, who rarely want to participate in anything... but maybe ideas for them too.

Then the middle aged adults, and senior citizens too.

But there will also be drinking at this day so, please no games with anything too breakable, or dangerous.

Please, and Thank You. ☺




  1. Pin the tail on the Bison.

    Indian leg wrestling.

    Quick Draw with water pistols.

    Pony on a stick races.

    Cow Pie toss.

    Whiskey shot chugging. (use diluted vinegar)

  2. for the little kids, you could have pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, and maybe they could come dressed as a cowboy/ cowgirl or native American, and you could hold a costume contest to see who's costume is most believable and have the teens judge it!


    face painting is always fun, no matter what your age is, so that might be fun for everyone.

    you could paint your face up like an Indian [war-paint], so there's the theme, but it doesn't necessarily have to follow the theme if the teenagers don't want to, but they could still paint little smileys and hearts and cool shapes on themselves if they want.

    since it's in an office that's pretty much all i can think of, but i hope it helped...


  3. Hangman, horseshoes

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