
Western union scam?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend sold a watch on ebay. this jamacian ****** guy sends him 900 dollers and says he sent to much and that the check cleared please send the money back. my bf says ok where do i send it. he tells him to send it to california. and my bf is like ok. the guy called him up the *** and starts saying hurry i need my money my moms sick. hurry. and rushes him to send it. my bf thinking that the check cleared sent like 800 or something through western union like the guy told him to. next day the guys like send the rest to this orphanage in nigera. my bf thinks that its werid and checks his account. he had 1000 and now he just has 200. =[ he works hard for his money and i feel so bad that he got scammed for bein nice and trying to send the money back. his car is broke now and he needed that money..ughh. is there anything he can do?


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