
WhAT do feminists want??

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They already have equal rights!!!! Actually they even have more when it comes to family issues! What do you feminists want?????




  1. They want to be in charge.  Historically, there are many other isms who believed in Utopias.

  2. We want to be able to go out at every night and walk or run for a while because heaven forbid we might like to exercise at night or we might have insomnia

    We want to be able to do what we want when we want as long as we are not breaking the law and not run the risk of rape etc...etc...

    We want rapist to be put to death unless they have been rehabilitated

    We want to pedophiles to be put to death unless they are rehabilitated

    We want the UN to stop allowing rape genocide

    We want equal pay

    We want men to stop selling women into s*x slavery

    We want to stop seeing women wearing torture devices they call shoes

    We want all women to report all incidents of rape and not be put on trial instead of the criminal

    We want scientists to start doing extensive research on diseases that affect women like breast cancer and stop making so many friking male enhancement drugs, men don't need them

    We want to stop seeing and hearing misogynistic images Ex: rap music

    We want men to stop using derogatory terms to describe women and everyone acting as if it's ok to talk like that

    We want to have a female president

    We want date rape clubs and men with multiple wives to disappear I don't care if the women want to be in multiple wife relationships

    We want to stop having to sleep with men for a promotion, raise, to not get fired etc...etc...

    We want to dress in baggy clothes and not have people say we are not dressed like a woman or that we're not pretty or that we can't get a job looking like that

    We want to NOT be "pretty" all the time and still be appreciated

    We want to control our own lives not be sold to some man as his wife at ten years old because of an unpaid dept

    I could go on and on and on and on

  3. Feminists want: To end the perpetuation of gender expectations that, on balance, harm women.

    For the extensive answer-check out this blog-you really need to do some serious studying (not that you will since you've already answered your question):

  4. Die Oprah die

  5. Actually, women are oppressed. We may have the same voting rights, but the fact of the matter is, there are people who view women as incompetent. We may have some power when it comes to divorce and receiving custody over children, but that is  simply because there are individuals that believe women should keep the children. Feminists just want to be looked at as an individual, not a woman. Gender should not play any role. (And, as a heads up, there are male feminists).

    P.S. I am a feminist and a L*****n, yet I have no desire to be a male.

  6. They want to be men.

  7. A world without males.

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