
WhEn WiLl A mOtHeR hAmStEr StOp EaTiNg HeR bAbiEs?

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i just need to know that and.. when can we touch/carry the pups?




  1. There are a few ways to prevent the hamster's mum to eat the babies.

    1. Cover the cage with a piece of cloth.

    2. Never ever touch the babies.

    3. Remove the hamster's daddy.

    4. Make sure there's enough food and water for her.

  2. ,make shure she gets lots of nutrents,and if you dont want more babies take the dad should start to handel them right away,that way the mother will not eat them if she feels they are safe with you around.unless of coarse she looks uncomfortable with you touching them them i would leave them alone for about a week.dont worry about her eating them if ur scent is on them that is just a myth,i have been a rat owner for about 18 yrs.

  3. I would remove them from the mother and hand feed them; they will eat the babies once in a while; don't leave them in the cage with her.

  4. when shes full.

  5. Don't type like that, you look like an idiot...I hope the hamster eats your keyboard so we can be spared from you annoying typing.

  6. wHeN yOu StOp TyPiNg LiKe ThIs

  7. 1. dont touch the babies. hamsters recconize thier babies by smell and if you touch them, your smell would get rubbed onto the hamsters

    2. the father also eats the babies so take him away

    3. if the mother continues to eat the babies, put her in another cage and go to the pet shop and ask the shop keeper for help and advice

  8. tHe MoThEr wIlL sToP eAtInG hEr BaBiEs OnCe YoU StOp TyPiNg LiKe ThIs. because it's annoying as **** and she's eating her children to punish you. and you can touch them as soon as the mother is done using them as breakfast.

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