
Wha happens if one gets caught while crossing the mexican border to USA?

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What happens if one is caught crossing the border illegally?




  1. I agree people should come to the U.S. legally, but lets not exaggerate.  The people that are on food stamps and have medical cards, I'm sorry to say are Americans.  If you are not a legal resident or a Citizen you cannot get aid.  I am a Social Work at an aid office and that is not how it works....sorry to burst your bubble.

    The people that are actually receiving the benefits are the lazy American's that don't want to work or that think they are too good to do the crappy work that illegals do, ahhhh and my favorite.....teenage girls that are pregnant and don't have anything better to do but have babies and live off us tax payers.  Break the cycle people!  Do something with your life besides living off Public Aid.

    Back to the illegal aliens:  Open your eyes people! There have always been immigrants in the U.S.A. there always will be, so get used to it.  People immigrated from all over the world that's what makes it so unique.  Illegals are given the jobs that nobody wants to do at the lowest paying rate.  They don't live off the government.....they actually come here to WORK!   Stop being F*&$(NG Racist and get a life...

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