
Wha is the benifit of industry instead of agriculture in westbengal?

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Wha is the benifit of industry instead of agriculture in westbengal?




  1. To a great extent Tanima is correct.  Industries give more employment opportunities - both skilled and unskilled.  The closure of jute mills in West Bengal has created stagnation in employment opportunities.  West Bengal Govt should look at the closed jute mils for creating Special Economic Zones.

    The source of income from agriculture is seasonal and limited.  The employment opportunity is minimal.  Fertile agricultural lands should not be taken away.  One should look at the availability of wastelands for SEZs.

  2. Look agriculture+industry both are required for a state.So according to me both should be there but equally then only a state or a country will be developed.In foreign countries they used to give importance to both agriculture+industrialisation.So both are equally required not so that the benefit of industry is much than agriculture because if agriculture is not there then how will we eat rice and all wheat,flour and many things.But also industry is required because where u will get those toothpastes and all.

  3. being an overcrowded but comparatively stable country, industry would allow most of the population to live in urban societies, have higher standard of living and leave a minority of people to produce vast amounts of Agricultural products, employing advanced agricultural methods. and large tracts of land.

  4. only answer is employment

  5. Any country must establish a solid agriculture base to insure that all of people have enough food available.  As agriculture develops industry will develop along with it as people are freed up from having to spend all their time getting food for his family. After this the industry is dependent on agriculture to be able to feed the workers as well as themselves.  Agriculture is dependent on industry to buy their food to keep them in business.  So as a country develops and grows, the agriculture goes hand in hand with the industry.  If industry grows faster than agriculture can supply food for everyone, they become dependent importing food from other countries and that will start the decline of the nation.  So there needs to be a balance between agriculture and industry.  If either out strip the other one, everyone will suffer.

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