
Wha tif the Exxon Valdez didn't crash?

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Would we still have the high gas prices we have today or will it be much different. I think gas may be a little cheaper and our economy would be much greater. Remember, it dosen't take long for an econmony to go down.





  2. It would have probably helped, but there have been over 500 spills on the pipeline in Alaska, though few make headlines as they aren't as big as the Exxon disaster.

    Gas may be cheaper, but you are suggesting there is an oil crises when there is none.

    There is no shortage of oil, and the Saudis have said they are willing to ship as much as we need. All their "customers" have to do is ask! Well Exxon, nor any other oil company asked. They want to scare the American people into giving up our natural resources for them to pollute when there is no need and it would not fix anything!

    The other issue are speculators who make money on nothing but air. They don't even own a stock, but they drove the price of oil up!

    Finally, the oil companies tried to tell Congress is was caused by "Supply and Demand"! A manufactured oil shortage that would be impossible to hit the market under "supply and demand" overnight. That is not the way it works, yet we were seeing gas prices rising 30 cents a day and more and the pumps haven't even felt the manufactured shortage yet!

    It is the Oil companies, deficit spending, the national debt, speculators, greedy business and the loss of value in the dollar (which no longer has any backing), deregulation, the sub-prime crises caused by deregulation and lack of oversight, and a president that still wants to put us further in debt,  that has caused our economic woes!

    The American people got it wrong in 2004 and they are paying the price!

  3. The Exxon Valdez happened over 20 yrs ago.  It has no direct correlation to todays gas prices.

  4. It would have been some other boat.  Ships sink, the odds are to great for it not to have happened.

  5. You might as well ask "What if the Hindenburg did not crash?"  Would we all be in personal blimps?

    The wreck of the Exxon-Valdez has little if any impact on our oil prices.  

    Anybody else think that maybe we should have taken a longer look at alternative fuels and energy sources in the 70's during the first oil crises?  We probably could have worked out many, or all, of the bugs all the naysayers bring up every time someone dares mention using something other than oil.

  6. Perhaps Clinton wouldn't have vetoed drilling in ANWR, but he may still have.  Those pesky environmentalists still would have opposed it in any case.

    If he hadn't vetoed it, yes, we'd have lower gas prices now and the economy wouldn't be in as poor of shape.

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