
Wha would u do if your boyfriends best friend/girl....

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kept coming onto him?

I have no problems with boys and girls being best friends. But his best riend is WAY TOO "friendly" and I know he isn't my property and I don't own him but the things this girl has done in the past leads me to believe (and some of my closer friends too) that she really likes him. Has a crush on him and she is using the "brother/Sister" frienship bond to get closer and closer to him. She is even using me to get closer to him imo. I'm NOT being paranoid either! I know for a fact she does indeed like him then more then just a "s**y bro" as she calls him. Thing is I also know for a fact my boyfriend doesn't like her that way and yes, I DO trust him not to cheat on me but it still really irritates me when this girl jumps at every chance to maul him,pet him,rub him etc and call him all sorts of pet names. She has tried causing an arguement between us before in the past as well. She emailed ME on myspace THINKING it was him because we have the same default and she says "Hey s**y" and goes on with her self pitty c**p about how life with her boyfriend (his best friend) sucks and he comforts her and I think she secretly gets off on him feeling sorry for her too by a lot of her actions! I really don't want to take away their friendship but what should I do? Should I say anything or keep quiet? I'm annoyed with her hands all over my man and I can tell her feels a little strange with it also but he still loves her...AS A FRIEND!!!




  1. hmm, that's tricky.  Sounds like she definitely does like him and possibly wants to break you two up.  That's good you trust your boyfriend.  Make sure not to accuse him or yell at him for anything because he sounds like a good guy and isn't doing anything.   He probably just wants to be there for her since they're good friends.  

    If you want to say she's making you guys uncomfortable, I think you and your boyfriend should both tell her.  If just you were to tell her by yourself, she may go to him playing the "ohhh we can't be friends anymore" sympathy game, and exaggerate saying you were nasty to her and threatening that she better back away from him.  She sounds immature enough to try and turn what you say into her advantage and try to get him to break up with you.  

    Technically, your boyfriend should have already said something.  It's his friend, and he understands her best, and he should know that you are uncomfortable with her acting like that.   You shouldn't have to be put in the middle; he should be more respectful of your feelings.  

    I guess next time your boyfriend says she makes him uncomfortable, just say that the both of you should let her know, because she's making you really uncomfortable, too.  Don't straight out ask him to say something, but try giving signs that something needs to be done.  

    All in all, try not to cause a huge scene, because that is exactly what she wants you to do.  You've done good at preventing that from happening so far, it sounds like, so good job there.

    Anyways, I hoped that helped.  Good luck.

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