
WhaT dO YoU ThiNk oF ThE peoPlE wHo Do tHiS?

by  |  earlier

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I hate it. It is not fun. It is not cute. It is just lame and obnoxious.




  1. Alden, dear, I couldn't agree with you more.

    Why must they insist on typing in such an irritating fashion?

    PpL FiNk iTs ReLi CuTe ^.^ BuT DeY r RoNg LoLz x*x >.<

    I'm fourteen years old and every single one of my friends types like that. Why oh why, I exclaim! Because it's interesting and attractive, they reply! I wish people wouldn't type as though their Capital Locks key was being repeatedly pressed on and off whilst they type. Perhaps that is why it takes them so long to reply to anything I ask them? Because they're so preoccupied with continuously pressing the Capital Locks key on and off? Either that or they lack the sufficient brain cells required to answer the most simple of questions. I don't know about you, Alden, but I am inclined to believe that it is a combination of both.

  2. The people who write like that suffer from far too few car accidents.

  3. I think it's punk-ish.

  4. annoying and difficult to read

  5. iT's PretTy FreaKIn AnNoYiNg

  6. It's really irritating!

  7. They're annoying.

  8. WhaT? playing with uppercase and lowercase?

    YoU meaN tHis wHole section?

    To spend time, to type things, to feel great for showing off knowledge...

    To F-u-C-k YoU

  9. english 101.

  10. Hi alden,

    They need attention!   Besides how childish.  I don't find it appealing in the least bit.  Have a good AM. :0)

    Additional Details:  they just haven't learned the computer lingo (form of yelling/screaming).

  11. They think it's the cool thing to do these days, but it's not. It's just annoying.

  12. It can be annoying if large amounts of text are done like this.

  13. Well said... I'm not a fan either.  It hurts the eyes a bit.

  14. too much time on their hands.

  15. do what

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