
Whale Hunting?

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Should the Japanese be allowed to hunt Protected Species Mink Whales and Humpback Whales? (They claim it is for "research", but I cannot help but wonder, is it necessary to kill a whale to research it, surely there are other ways?)




  1. NO!!  No, No, No, No, No, No, No!



    There is absolutely no reason for anyone to hunt whales.

  2. The International Whaling Commission, which manages global whale populations, has repeatedly held that Japan's "research" whaling is scientifically unnecessary. Not one peer-reviewed scientific paper has been produced after 20 years of "scientific" whaling by Japan.  The scientific whaling loophole in the whaling convention was created nearly 60 years ago, when non-lethal whale research was not an option.  Today, DNA studies and satellite tracking make it possible (and preferable) to study whales without killing them.

  3. No - but what agency has the power to enforce such  ban.  We have to continue to exert moral pressure.

    I am reminded that the US government will not do anything that has a negative impact on the US economy about global warning.

    Does every industrial country feel that they can disregard opinion when it is in their interest to do so?  I guess this is a question so I wonder which section to put it in.

  4. I don't think Minke Whales are endangered but the Humpback and Fin whales (which are to be hunted) are definately endangered.

    Regardless, it is sooo wrong!!!!

    Yea, you are right, apparently research can be done by collecting small blood and flesh samples. But the Japanese government are sugarcoating it and are totally just using the 'research' as a loophole for wanting to catch them.

    Yea apparently 70% of Japanese people oppose whaling (which puzzles me cause they are the ones who can pressure their own government). I think it comes down to the ego of a few individuals ie. the Japanese government. They just don't wanna be pushed around and told what to do!

    Where did you get the info that 90% of Japanese don't eat whale but i heard that its a really lucrative business and it brings in heaps of money!

  5. Isnt Humpack whales endangered species?

    I heard that that they told japan that they can only hunt whales for like a season and then let them breed and then hunt them again

    But japanese people dont eat whale i heard they only use it for other things

    I think whale hunting should be BANNED!
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