
Whaling for "science" - OK, so what's the science, where's the data?

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If we can accept that the Japanese whale for scientific purposes, what is the science progressing and where is all the data that justifies the demise of whales.




  1. Do you read japanese scientific papers or published journals? I do seem to remember there being actual research provided from these kills (in years past, perhaps not now) but other scientists stated that the data was either not important enough research to be killing whales or data that could have been collected without killing live whales. I seem to recall this discussion back in the days when i knew someone going to the IWC meetings. Keep in mind that with Japan actively soliciting pro-whaling countries to the IWC, it will likely be one of many countries that are doing this and possibly reversing the IWC whaling ban within our lifetime so they don't have to actually go through with any 'research'.

  2. after 50 years and tens of thousands of whales they've determined that whale meat tastes pretty good

  3. Killing whales for science is c**p, and only c**p.  That is only a ruse for the real reason, which is that the Japanese want the meat as a delicacy.

    Enough whales have been killed in the past to provide information on the internal workings of these wonderful mammals to keep scientists busy for the rest of time.

    All other "important" research can be done on the living animals while they're in the wild.  There is ABSOLUTELY NO NEED WHATSOEVER TO KILL THESE ANIMALS in this day and age.

    The killing of whales by the Japanese MUST be stopped, and stopped NOW.  One of the biggest problems with the Asian way of life, is with their superstitious beliefs that wild and exotic animal parts, like Rhino horns, Tiger penises, and Whale parts, can help them medically or mentally in ANY way at all.  This is primitive, archaic way of thinking and believing.  They MUST grow up and enter the 21st century, and this means doing away with these superstitions and delicacies, and entering into the FACT that we MUST put the wildlife and resources of this wonderful planet  FIRST and FOREMOST, or we WILL destroy it.

  4. Maybe they want to figure out how to hold their breath for a really long time.

  5. That is a fine question.  I haven't even heard of preliminary results.  How did they determine sample size and what are they trying to analyze?  My old professor always said, "If you can't measure it, it ain't science".

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