
Whammy bar on the guitar hero 3 for the wii?

by  |  earlier

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the whammy bar on the guitar has stopped working and i dont know what to do.. should i get a take it back and get another one or is there a way that i can fix it?




  1. Hey Want Free Wii Points?

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  2. I don't personally use the whammy bar but if it is a necessity for you take it back and get a refund/trade it for another one. As long as you have a receipt the shop has no reason to refuse you one if the product is faulty.

    My advice: trade it in for a new one.

  3. take it back its no point paying for something thats not working as it should the should exchange it under warrenty

  4. mine did the same thing only a couple of days after buying it. However when i reset my wii and opened the game it started working again

  5. You can try to put a rubber band on it and connect it to a button or something on the guitar

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