
Wharfedal Subwoofer stopped working after loud boom...can it be repaired by me?

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My Wharfedale subwoofer (5 yrs old) stopped working after a loud boom. I checked the fuse on the back and it is fine. When I power it up, the power indicator light on the back turns on, but I get no sound. All the wire connections were checked and they are fine. Any idea what may have stopped working and can it be repaired?





  1. Short answer -- probably not.  Most speakers/sub woofers have internal electronic components (Cross overs, filters, etc) -- you could have blown a capacitor, or some other component on the ciruit board.  Without diagnostics it is impossible to say.  You could direct your question to Warfdale -- if the board is "blown" they might send you a replacement that you could wire into the ciruit yourself --  You like working with a solder iron??

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