
Whart is a car?

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Whart is a car?




  1. A vehicle with an engine and 4 wheels

  2. A car is a vehicle for transportation.

  3. Well, we'll start here....Do you know the thing Fred Flinstone used to push with his feet???

  4. are you serious? how old are u anyway? youve never heard of a car?

    anyway. its a rounded box that lets u get places if you know hot to use it.

  5. this is a car

  6. look outside the window

  7. No,  "Whart" is a typo.

  8. vroooom

  9. Where have you been locked in the last 100 years?

  10. car is a 4 whealer vehicle.........

  11. a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"

    a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad; "three cars had jumped the rails"

    cable car: a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway; "they took a cable car to the top of the mountain"

    the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant

    where passengers ride up and down; "the car was on the top floor"

    An automobile is a wheeled vehicle that carries its own motor. Different types of automobiles include cars, buses, trucks, and vans, with cars being the most popular by far. Older terms include horseless carriage and motor car, with motor referring to what is now usually called the engine. The act of operating an automobile is called driving. An automobile has seats for the driver and, almost without exception, one or more passengers.

  12. its in ur garage (if u know what that is...) and it normaly idles at about 1000 rpm's

  13. A car is defined as any mechanically propelled road vehicle designed, constructed or adapted for the carriage of the driver or the driver and one or more persons other than (a) a motorcycle, (b) a van or (c) a vehicle not commonly used as a private vehicle.

    Hope that defined a car enough for you!

  14. Definitions of car on the Web:

    a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"

    a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad; "three cars had jumped the rails"

    cable car: a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway; "they took a cable car to the top of the mountain"

    the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant

    where passengers ride up and down; "the car was on the top floor"

    An automobile is a wheeled vehicle that carries its own motor. Different types of automobiles include cars, buses, trucks, and vans, with cars being the most popular by far. Older terms include horseless carriage and motor car, with motor referring to what is now usually called the engine. The act of operating an automobile is called driving. An automobile has seats for the driver and, almost without exception, one or more passengers.

    *Central African Republic*Canadian Airborne Regiment*Children At Risk*Cordillera Administrative Region*Cost Accrual Ratio*Computer-assisted reporting*Cumulative average return

    In computer programming, cdr (pronounced cudder) and car are a pair of primitive functions in Lisp and its best known offspring, Scheme.

    The use of a computer created and maintained index to access documentary material recorded on other media such as microfilm.

    The CAR (Committed Access Rate) system allows to limit the access rate for IP transmission. It is the system that is used for the Open Transit®- Internet scalable service rate to limit the service rate according to customers’ needs.

    Computer-assisted retrieval.

    The Form AD-1148 is a form completed by all Subscribers and submitted by the Local Registration Authority (LRA) to NFC for retention. The form must be signed by the Subscriber in the presence of either the LRA, Trusted Agent, or a Notary Public. (The appropriate copy(ies) of a picture ID is also sent to NFC with the original form. This form is sent to NFC at the same time as the Subscriber Agreement.)

    A car is a part of the overall coaster train. A car consists of one or more rows where riders are seated in individual or bench seats. A coaster train should consist of two or more cars linked together to form the train. Coasters that operate with only one car do not use the term train, but instead refer to the vehicles as individual cars.

    Certified Advanced Rolfer. Designates a Certified Rolfer (CR) with at least three years' certification and continuing education credits who has completed additional course work from the Rolf Institute.

    Corrective Action Report. This report is issued to trigger a corrective action. The most common cause is a complaint or a major mistake but it can also be caused by findings during internal quality auditing or if quality goals are not met. Quality oriented companies have a clearly defined Corrective Action process, and they measure closure of corrective actions. Customers who have experienced problems may request to see a CAR in order to continue the relationship.

    LISP function that returns the first element of a list where the list cannot be the null-list.

    A loose, quantative term sometimes used to describe a contract, eg "car of bellies". Derived from when quantities of the product specified on a contract often corresponded closely to the quantity carried in a railroad car.

    a four-wheeled vehicle for passenger transportation, propelled by an engine

    A loosely used term to describe contract quantities. Originally, one contract, or "car" was the quantity of a commodity that would fill a railroad car.

    A unit or part of a coaster train, it typically carries between two and four passengers, but there are cars which carry six, eight and ten. "Oblivian" in England carries 16 passengers in three tiered rows.

    This is a prescribed class of insurance sometimes known as Contractors Works Insurance. CAR covers the insurance of materials, buildings, structures, works and other property in the course of construction. The policy can be extended to include the contractor’s plant and equipment on site.

    The annual rate of interest that will be earned if interest is credited to an account monthly, quarterly or bi-annually and allowed to remain on the account for that year. The rate will therefore be higher then the quoted standard rate and will enable comparisons with other accounts quoting annual rates.

    Civil Aviation Regulation (Australian).

    P A sliding fitting that attaches to a track allowing for the adjustment of blocks or other devices attached to the car.

    An individual railway vehicle.

    Chief, Army Reserve CCF Central Clearance Facility CD Clinical Director CFR Code of Federal Regulations CNGB Chief, National Guard Bureau CONUS Continental United States COR Contracting Officer's Representative CPAC Civilian Personnel Advisory Center CPOC Civlian Personnel Operations Center

    The vehicles that passengers ride in. Cars make up a coaster's train.

    The rating of a program, a daypart or a time period in the geographic area where the program is available. The ratings for all cable networks can bebased upon a coverage area rating.

    The technology that reads and recognizes the handwritten or typed courtesy (numeric) amount on checks.

    Part of a coaster train. On some coasters the car is by itself, and not connected in a train-like fashion. Where the riders sit (or stand, as the case may be.)

    Any of various types of mine cars used to transport broken rock. The equivalent in coal mining is TUB or BOX.

    A fairly modern dream symbol, the car, (or truck), has become an extension of the dreamer's personality and physical self. If the vehicle is in good repair and without dents or damage, it is viewed as a healthy presentation of active mobility in the dreamer's waking life. If the vehicle is in need of repair or paint, it is often indication that personal attention is required to the waking body. Depending on the nature of damage, much insight can be gleaned into the type of attention needed.

    A national database in which any companion animal with a form of positive identification, such as a microchip or tattoo, can be enrolled.
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