
What´s the situation of Puerto Rico? Is it a country? Does it belong to USA? What people there think about thi

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  1. It's a semi-autonomous territory of the USA.

  2. I'd say that PR has a lot of problems, with the economy and a lot of things that has to do with the government. It is a US territory. I'm not sure if it belongs to the US. And people there don't want it to become a state (or at least my family doesn't).

  3. grrr..Puerto Rico has no reason to become a state, they have everything a country needs to have their country! Just stop being lazy and work for it, nothing good comes from doing nothing, you are not special. Better yet, assimilation come to play a lot. Why dont you assimilate in working in businesses, education, and law, you'll see the amount of potential you all as a body of people will have to control your own destiny.

  4. PLEASE, for all the people that keep saying that PR is not a country; PLEASE pick up a dictionary and put your political differences aside.  Stop saying that PR is NOT a country.

  5. Belong to the USA?

    * Yes, we are.

    As a state?

    * No, we are not an state like NY, Texas or Florida.

    A territory of the USA?

    * Yes, we are a territory similar to the US Virgin Islands, another non-state part of the USA.

    An organized or non organized territory of the USA?

    * Organized, this means the USA Congress has approved an Organict Act to setup a goverment in the territory. In the case of PR the organic act is the Constitution of the Commonwealth (Estado Libre Asociado) of PR written by an Assembly of Delegates from PR in 1952.

    An incorporated territory or an non incorporated territory of the USA?

    * A non incorporated territory, which means that although we are US citizens not all the provisions of the US Constitution, and laws applies to PR. Just those sections, rights, benefits, etc. that the US Congress approves to be valid in PR. for example:

    * we participate in all wars that the USA gets involved, our soldiers have fought in all conflicts since WWI to current Irak war.

    * We do not pay federel income tax,

    * We pay Social Security taxes,

    * We do not participate in November Presidential elections (but we have Primaries to select US Presidential candidates like Obama vs Hillary in June 1 2008).

    * we do not have Senators at the US Senate.

    * we do not have Representatives to the House (Congress), just a Resident Commissioner who has limited voting rights.


    We are US citizens, our passports are USA passports. To travel from the states to PR the flight is a domestic flight, like one between NY and FL. You do not need a passport to come here unless the Homeland Security agency changes the rules for domestic flights.

    Edit: Bottom line: We are a non incorpored and organized territory of the USA, for all practical means a colony (although some people here and in the USA object the use of that term). What would the "fathers" of the nation who fought to free the 13 colonies from England feel about the idea of USA having colonies?

    Is PR (a non incorpored and organized territory of the USA, i.e. a colony) a country?

    Well, in political geography and international politics, a country is a political division of a geographical entity. Frequently, a sovereign territory, the term is most commonly associated with the notions of state or nation and government.

    PR is a political division of a geographical entity BUT has limited sovereign over our territory.

  6. It's not a country and has never been. It was an overseas province of Spain until 1898, then it passes to be a territory of the Unites States after the Spanish-American war of that same year.

    We are american citizens, (thank you Jesus!).    As to what we think about all this, it depends in who you ask, as you will see from these answers and other posts regarding this subject.  

    I consider myself American 100% .  The US is our nation, and PR is our land and our island.  It can be compared to native Hawaiians, Americans and Hawaii is where they come from.

    Some people want PR to be on its own, and will tell you something else. Some people are indoctrinated by birth to believe some other c**p, and will invent whatever they think they are, such as "I is Puertorican first, and la la la la......"

  7. After the spanish american war between Spain and the United States the Island of Puerto Rico was given to the United States prior to 1898 Puerto Rico was ran by the Spain but at that point Puerto Rico became a territory of the United Stated of America citinzenship to all Puerto ricans was granted in the later decades In the early 30,s Puerto Ricans started migrating to the city of New york by ships looking for work opportunities they establish there and became a community of their own Puerto Ricans call the ricans in New York neuyoricans as the spanish translation for New York Ricans both New york ricans and Puerto Ricans are a bit different the ones in the states are totally different than the ones back in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico does belong to the United States and Puerto Rico enjoys the benefits of being a state without the responsibility of paying Federal taxes but does very much everything else just like a state the currency is same here american dollars, it is beautiful and would have  lots of potential to even compete with Hawaii or even better cost of living is a little Hi if you want to live in a decent area but is worth it , I found out that people that have an education here or have the best jobs think they are better than the rest of the islanders but I guess that is anywhere you go they get a little stock up with a real stubborn attitude.But just like anywhere else  but it is very noticed here one thing I found out is that this place have some of the most beautiful girls in the world.

  8. Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory. Yes, it belongs to the USA. Here's a link with some interesting facts about Puerto Rico.

  9. Under the Constitution of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico is described as a 'Commonwealth' and Puerto Ricans enjoy a degree of administrative autonomy similar to that of a U.S. state.

    Puerto Ricans are statutory U.S. citizens, but since Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory and not a U.S. state, the U.S. Constitution does not enfranchise U.S. citizens residing in Puerto Rico.

    Puerto Rico does participate in the internal political process of both the Democratic and Republican parties in the U.S., accorded equal-proportional representation in both parties, and delegates from the islands vote in each party's national convention.

  10. OK: Firstly Puerto Rico IS considered a country and it is. It a commonwealth (colony) of The United States. They have the same currency ($$$$)

    More and more people want it to become a state, but usually, only about 45% of the people want it to be a state. The others vote for commonwealth, but Clinton and Obama have promised if they win they will solve this: so finally PR can decide for statehood or independence.


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