
What’s in your wallet, and how do you pinch pennies?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I have credit cards and cash. lol

  2. Dust and spider webs are in my wallet love

  3. hello - I carry around $20-40.  I pay cash for everything "small" so that I am aware I spent it and dont have any credit card surprises at the end of the month.  I use credit cards for anything over $20 or so, but I pay them off monthly and on time always, so never have fees associated with it.  I dont do starbucks or the like and save lots of money that way.  A few years ago I gave up sodas as well, now i drink alot of water, better for my health and wallet.  I do buy lunch at work many days, while that costs more than if I were to bring it daily, it is worth the cost to me since I commute by bus and train, and often am not coming directly to the offiec etc.  however, bringing lunch is a very easy way to save money.  i always have savings and 401K pulled out prior to me ever seeing the rest of my paycheck, so i cave a lot that way without ever seeing it.  i combined home insurance with car insurance at one company, i get a discount for that.  i take the defensive driving course through the AAA to get 10% back on car insurance (that saved money goes to savings).

    good luck

  4. I do carry credit cards, but I also don't carry a balance on any of them. I have 13 dollars in my wallet right now, and my atm card. Debt is SLAVERY. I won't go back to my old life ever. It took 10 years to get out of debt (aside from my mortage, which I'm working on.) It was a long, hard road and every day I kind of feel like an alcoholic turning down a drink when I see something I want, but can't afford. It takes a LOT of effort and support from others to stay frugal. Sometimes not shopping feels downright painful. We are a consumer society, so it's very very tough.  I am part of online forums like and I check out books like tightwade gazzete. Every time I see what the "Joneses" bought I usually find out that they are also on the brink of divorce over financial matters, or they are drowning in debt, and they are literally sick with stress over finanical matters. That was me, and I started with 35K of debt, including my car and ZERO savings- and after 10 years I paid it all off. There was really nothing fun or rewarding about paying it down until it was actually paid off. I have so much more money every month for savings. We just don't cry over bills anymore. I love the motto, "pinch a penny until it screams..."

    We do and not only has it saved my family, it has saved the environment in many ways also, since frugality is good for the soul and for the earth. Best of luck!! Also, I really feel paying with credit is really dettached from the feeling of spending, kind of like buying a steak at the grocery store feels very removed from actually slaughtering a cow. Paying cash has a feeling of reality, it's concrete.

  5. well, my wallet has mostly credit cards and debit cards. i try to nt hold more than 20/40 bucks cash in my wallet b/c they're people out there who are looking to steal some extra cash. about the pennies, i just usually save em up in a jar or something or i just give it to the little charity boxes that r usually at the registers in liek seven elevens and what not.

    plz answer my question


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