
What’s the deal with experience / Requirements? In relation to admin jobs.?

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Alright, nobody’s willing to give me a junior admin job. Their number one reason being that I don’t have experience. From what I’ve seen, it’s fairly rudimentary .I also feel it would take only a day or two to fall into its routine. Good god, must I say it; its not rocket science.

I mean how hard is it to use Ms Office!?! Answering phone calls? Woah gonna need a degree in telephones from the Graham Bell average Joe Institute of phone etiquette., umm probably a TAFE course.

Data entry., I really wonder how they assess this over an email? : / same goes for being well presented. A ‘can do’, positive attitude…. So I need 3 years experience to reach this heightened state of consciousness? “Commitment to the role” Yup got your company logo tattooed on my arm ^_^

‘Hands on' approach.., I’m lost with this one... “Hands on” does this mean you have to be ambidextrous or something? “Motivated self-starter” ohhh this is my favorite, yup sticks & stones, I can take it, I have a self starter switch connected to all things motivational ><”




  1. Though I enjoyed reading your question (even laughed out loud a little!) I must say, perhaps your attitude is the hold up..? You&#039;re right, applications are frustrating and sometimes seem to ask unnecessary questions, but welcome to corporate America! Keep trying, someone will give you a shot.  If all else fails, try applying with a temp-to-hire firm.  That will get your foot the door, thus solving the &quot;experience&quot; dilemma.  As for the others...

    Data entry - they want your measurements - how many wpm and npm can you type? How proficient are you in Excel, PowerPoint, etc.  

    Commitment to the role: give examples of things you&#039;ve stuck with - others jobs, roles in school organizations, etc

    Hands on approach - they&#039;re expecting you to read between the lines - they don&#039;t want the guy that keeps bringing his homework to mom instead of just figuring it out on his own.  Give an example of a problem that YOU found the solution to.

    Motivated self-starter - again, they don&#039;t want a deadbeat.  If you don&#039;t have work experience, you&#039;ll have to use school experience.  Name courses or at least projects that you&#039;ve gotten excellent grades in.

    Good luck!

  2. having work experience is really good credentials to any employer. no matter how good you are in your college doesnt guarantee you can cope up with the real business world.  where in you have a work experience, you have some practical knowledge on how to work on the business world. i suggest you apply for lower position on admintrative jobs. let&#039;s face it, employer wants to be sure that they are geeting what they are paying for. hope you&#039;ll find a job sooner. Just be patient. :)

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