
What’s the difference between task oriented system and project management?

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What’s the difference between task oriented system and project management?




  1. Task oriented system relies so much on the duties to be performed by the employees while project managemt is  concerned about the attainment of the target of the project where the employees must have focus.

  2. A project is a temporary undertaking to bring about a defined and unique result. Projects have goals, objectives, schedules, budgets, and generally take a relatively long period of time - certainly more than a day.

    As an example of just how big and unique a project can be, consider the design, development, and construction of a nuclear power plant. This is a project. So is the development of a nuclear submarine.

    What you refer to as a "task-oriented system" is most likely a process-oriented system. That is, repetitive and frequent work that brings about a non-unique result.

    For example, making a cheeseburger at McDonalds is an example of a task-oriented activity. It happens many times a day and basically happens the same way each time.

    Hopefully this helps!

  3. idk.  Yeah. What's the difference. It's most likely some board meeting jargon that somebody made up in an attempt to make themselves sound so well informed and knowledgeable. Everyone probably came out of that meeting thinking....Huh ?  While scratching their heads. Let me know too. Most likely a vocabulary term they learned in their Junior College Business 101 class.

    Project management probably has to do with the over seeing of the project while a task oriented system has to do with the steps and procedures taken to carry out the task of actually getting the job done and to it's completion and implimented.

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