
What’s the maximum amount of time you should keep your computer on stand-by?

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Is it ok to leave it on stand-by for a few hours? Will it harm the computer?




  1. corse it wont harm it...min is very rearly switched off,and is set never to go into stand by....last time it was of was over 3 months ago....

  2. I would be more concerned about harming the extra money going out of your pocket and also more importantly the extra carbon released into the atmosphere due to the computer being left on standby.But in reply to your answer the computer maybe harmed because when on standby mode it is much more vunerable and I'm sure I read somewheret hat, that is when virus, hackers etc get to work

  3. a standard desktop or tower pc can be left on 24/7. It is argued that its better to leave a computer on , as it will last longer. They say that the constant  turning on/ off  cooling/ heating of components can shorten the life of things like microchips.

    I think laptops arnt made to be lef on 24/7 and i would be inclinded to switch it off at the end of the day. This is because i feel the compactness of the  laptop means cooling is compramised

    only down ide to leaving a computer on 24/7 is the electric bill! and that if you have a permant internet connection- you could be opening yourself to  'attack' from people wanting to hack your computer

  4. If your concerned about leaving it on stand by why not just let it hibernate ? then it's not wasting power  

  5. no it wont harm it..but its bad from an economy point of view..stand by still uses electricity and its more 'green' to switch off what isnt being used

  6. only 30 minutes cos if not it will either brake or it will blow up

  7. I very rarely turn my computer off, occasionally  I need to restart it (if it starts running slow) but it is regularly left on constant for a few weeks at a time.  The only bad thing is it is not very environmentally friendly to do this.

  8. whatever you do, don't leave it on overnight

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