
What’s the most rewarding thing you ever done?

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What’s the most rewarding thing you ever done?




  1. I bought Christmas gifts for a family with 6 children. The Dad was in prison and the Mom is a waitress. She is too proud to ask for assistance. I put the gifts on their porch when she was working with a note that said "Merry Christmas from Santa" They did not know who did it but she told everyone that "Santa" had redeemed her faith in the world.

  2. Get two people out of bankruptcy and helped some friends with their bills and helped the homeless. I'm currently working on my health and making my marriage the best on Earth...and you dear Skycat?

    Pami xoxo

  3. Helping the elderly and underprivilaged in my area.

  4. did a drive at work for the animal welfare league. put up a flyer at work to "help me fill the van", and ill be darned, we did!

  5. I don't tend to do things for a you think that the people answering your question are dogs or something...???????????????

  6. My Sunday School class the Friday night before Christmas hosted a group of 7 homeless ladies in our church.  Before that night, I had never even spoken to a homeless person other than to say no when they would ask for money on the streets downtown.  It really made me appreciate what all I have.  To hear their stories really makes you think that that could be any of us one day and that not all homeless people are drunks and addicts.

  7. Giving blood for almost 25 years.

  8. help others

  9. Helping a mentally disabled person down an escalator, i held his hand and took him down.. His carer was gettin agitated with him, i think he may have been afraid of going down it alone

    Or afraid of heights, God bless him

  10. became a mum, and being a carer for the physically disabled and head injury. also donating blood. its good to give to people rather than take

  11. Helped with a relief effort in Peru, made me realize how selfish and blessed we are in America, some of the worst situations we could face, don't look so bad to some of the people who live hard lives everyday in Peru!

  12. I don't think I have done it yet. How can I weigh the importance of being there for others...only God can do that.

  13. Disaster service, American Red Cross, various hurricanes, Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Andrew, local fires

  14. Rescue animals, & occasionally people. The animals seemed more appreciative for the most part.

  15. Most rewarding is hard to decide. I think it would be helping to build a habit for humanity house that was for my friend and her family.

  16. just made my boyfriend a hot water bottle and fingers crossed hoping he recovers from horrid flu.

  17. robbed an electrical store, got 8 40" tv's . f**king fantastic.

  18. helping veterans...

  19. Fostered 65 children.

  20. Having kids and basic training..

  21. I can't say........hard to separate things in my mind........but I think raising four beautiful children into adulthood might be at the top of the list.

  22. I was there for my dad when he went through 12 surgeries this summer and became a double amputee.

    He passed away two months ago unfortunately.

    My dad was always  there for me when I was growing up and even as an adult.He was a big encourager of my career choices.

    love ya dad !

  23. Helped people that were disabled, older, or just in need. It gives you a happiness that not much else can bring.

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