
What, if any, merit does this work contain?

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A Not Quite Awake Pome for Sleepy Saturday

By C.S. Scotkin

The Sun rose before I did,

Panic! Am I late?

Cats very confused

It is nearly eight

O’ clock, I am so pleased!

Now I remember,

I finally have a day off…

Good Morning, indeed!




  1. The way I look at it, you have a lifestyle. A lifestyle of nearly 3rd of the world's adult population. It is a condition selfly imposed to be in that condition. Your mind seems overtaken by the monotonous routine of your lifestyle.  

  2. miao ??? Stop that right niao....

    Here kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty

    Bring mommy the paper and a cup of coffee...oh're a cat.....

    I'll be right back with YOUR coffee and paper...

    Take a breakCS...

  3. And a top-o-tha-marnin ta ye, Cynthia.

  4. GM to you and your kitties.  Some of us don't get days off.  The joys of owning your own business.

  5. If I could only manage to get through my first cup of this dark juice,

    I'd grin...Good mawning (hello little annoying this pest)

    to you!

  6. And a good day to you also Mme Fleur de Florida!

    Did your time-cat alarms go off too early again? Have a restful and peaceful Saturday CS. I am off to snooze land myself. Ciao & miao.  

  7. Good morning to you and the frisky kitties!

    ENJOY your day off! They are few and far between.

  8. Good Morning to you!

    A day off? What is that? Not that I would want one; I have the best job in the world. I too, have a job I love. I think I'll have a day off in October or November.

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