
What, if any, taxes should be raised? and what will the effect of raising them be?

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What, if any, taxes should be raised? and what will the effect of raising them be?




  1. The Estate Tax (or, as the Republican spin machine so ominously puts it, the DEATH TAX!!) should be raised. Just like welfare, inherited income encourages a cycle of dependence that inhibits work ethic and encourages people to look for a free handout. Plus, it subverts the true free market, which of course, is a sin against mankind.

  2. We need to start a liberal tax on all liberal people that feel the need to raise taxes.

    When a liberal suggests to raise the tax on the rich, then the liberal tax goes up too.

    When a liberal suggests to raise the tax on big business, then the liberal tax goes up too.

    When a liberal suggests to raise the estate tax, then the liberal tax goes up too.

    When a liberal suggests to raise the tax on carbon producers, then the liberal tax goes up too.

  3. Taxes should be lowered...this will stimulate growth and spending....

    the volume of the money flow will increase and therefore tax revenue will increase....

    Contrary to what most liberal's believe, tax cuts can actually raise tax revenues....

  4. Raising taxes slows the economy and reduces income to the Treasury.

    In other words, it's a bad idea.

  5. I'd like to see a surcharge on gas guzzlers, the less fuel efficient, the larger the surcharge. The money from this tax should go to research on the development of alternative energy sources.

    Let's also legalize marijuana and drugs and tax those like we do cigarettes and liquor.  It would reduce our prison population and raise billions in tax revenues which could be spent to support our health system.

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