
What, if anything, did you accomplish today?

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What, if anything, did you accomplish today?




  1. Almost finished "Your Inner Fish" by Neil Shubin and got the rest of the new soil on the wild rose plantings.

  2. I made my daughter laugh

    And I got a fair bit of my uni assignment done.

  3. Well, it's only 7.30 am here, so I have not so far accomplished anything except having a shower and washing my hair.  That's excitement enough for one morning.

  4. I pushed myself to jog two miles on the track today. I was so proud of myself. It hurt like h**l but I felt better when I was done. I'm to reach a gold of running 2 miles in under 15 to 20 mins. I'm sure if I keep working at it I'll get there.

  5. Drove 120 kilometers and cleaned the cat p**s out of the fire place - unfortunately the think ash equals kitty litter - very unpleasant.

  6. I sat around and listened to my Ipod longer than usual.

  7. I made it through another day with the children and we didn't kill each other and actually had fun.

  8. Cool your jets honey...... I ordered coffee to be served..

  9. Cleaned the house, Took elderly mom out for a walk in her wheelchair to mail some letters,Went to mall with grandson & had an ice cream with him,cooked 2 differant dinners, went to drugstore picked up meds for elderly mother, spent 2 1/2 hrs. in a laundrymat while laundry was going I touched up the paint chips on the car, took my daughter out for fast food,made a few phone calls to touch base with family,checked e -mails & put a posting up on what I was giving away on the freecycle site, recycled the garbage, just a usual day around here.

  10. After work I took my daughter to the park and we played on the swings and we had a picnic under a big tree and we then came home and I read to her she went to sleep in my lap she was so cute. I love to spend time with my daughter she makes me sane.

    I then got my apartment cleaned and my wash done didn't kill my boss :)  I am kind of tired now but need to pay some bills God Bless

  11. I successfully produced a five-hour special at the station.

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