
What, in Gods name, is the point of this car?

by  |  earlier

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It carrys two people and... well thats it!

Surely for a car to be truly "green" (how I hate that word) It has to be able to do a whole lot more than just move two bodys around.




  1. omg, I saw that, it looks cool, unlike that G-Whiz thing, which was beating in a race by a table.

    I don't think you really need more that 2 seats lol

  2. Eh. I'd get one. Barbie would LOVE it.

  3. It's not the best green car for sure (Toyota's hybrid saloons offer better mileage and don't require an external power source) but I guess it's that kind of car for the slightly environmentally conscious people of the lazy type for whom public transit is not an option. Useless car I agree, with maybe only a slight advantage of being compact (and reducing a traffic jam length by a foot or so). Yay?

  4. There is no point to this car. What they have tried to do is jump on the ec-friendly bandwagon. What they have succeeded in doing is built a car that can reach 40mph and will only travel 40 miles, you also need to recharge it from mains power which will be supplied by power station which will be less efficient than if you bought a petrol car in the first place. p.s. NICE car stands for No Internal Combustion Engine beacause it is anything BUT nice!

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  6. It is funky and apparently costs 2p per mile to run.Great for two, especially in towns but it is not for me.

  7. Error (404)

    The page may no longer exist.

    Update......That is a coffin on wheels,,,,,,,

  8. Any car that has a top speed of 40mph. is a danger on the road

  9. I'm having a difficult time imagining two bodies moving around in it, unless of course they were midgets.

    You really think it's possible to get some horizontal action in that toy?

  10. can't see the car, but I agree with you. I totally see your point

  11. I just saw my first "Smart" car Friday (U.S.). It's a two seater and scooted along pretty good. I'm sure it had a gas engine though, unlike yours, which is battery powered. Most cars (in the U.S.) are only carrying one or two people anyway so I can see it's use, although I'm 6'6" and probably won't fit in one too good - don't know for sure until I try though.

  12. it gives people like me a chance to take the pi*s out of the driver for no good reason

    except the look of it

  13. Runs on electric 2 p per mile,Great little runabout.

  14. the link goes to a page thats not there anymore.

  15. It's for d***heads with too much money and no aspirations  to alleviate their consciences!

  16. It's electric, so it evades London's congestion charge.  It's also miniscule, so it parks virtually anywhere there's standing room for two men and a dog.

    Considering how cramped London and other parts of the UK can be, I'd say that's point enough.

  17. Link doesn't work! But I guess the counter argument is that there are plenty of cars designed to carry four or more people that end up only transporting one!

  18. what a piece of sh*t.  I would be embarrased to drive that around to be honest.  I don't think it would fare well in an accident.  There is no such thing as a green car- that is just a load of rubbish to try and appease the tree huggers and their constant moaning - you know the sort, the ones that drive around in VW camper vans with smoke bellowing out the back.

  19. City car says all i think, and apart from the price tag i do not see anything wrong with it.

  20. It looks ok to me, Its electric, its green; it won't take very long to clean.... Hahaha.

    But it's just ridiculously small, you be squashed to death. And would feel horrible if a large person was in, and worse if it was on a hot day.

  21. hahaha! barbie would LOVE that car. 2 people? whats peice of c**p!

  22. It's a self-propelling sedan chair, for those who are too proud to walk but can't get the staff.

  23. Is it claiming to be a car? or a Transportation Device?

    There's room enough in this world for all sorts - even that (and scooters with mirrors, and even Nissan Micras!)

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