
What, in your view, is a feminist? (HW assignment)?

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Hi everyone,

I have a homework assignment for my Women's Studies class to ask people: What, in your view, is a feminist? Please be open and honest and if you could elaborate that would be great! I have access to 20-year old range and I need a wide range of age, s*x. So ANYONE please don't hesitate to answer! I thought this would be a good way to get lots of age ranges. There is no right answer, just say what you believe!

For 10 pt. I'll pick the most thought out answer. Thank you!!

Also, please don't answer if you're just going to be rude/immature. I don't have time for that.




  1. Someone who believe that women should have more rights than men.

  2. A man hating l***o.............. is that not right? :P lol just kidding

    Seriously though when I think of feminism I think the destruction of traditional values. Feminist can't be content with their own lives they have to try and influnce others into thinking their way is the only way and bashing other peoples life styles. I realize that not all of them are like that but the majority of them that use that term to describe themselves are.

  3. Feminism is about Options (regardless of gender)

    and CHOICES (personal freedom).

    Women should not be hindered or barred from any options that are open to men; as far as education, jobs, careers, etc.

    If a woman is physically able and mentally competent to do the job, she should have that option.

    Her gender should not reflect on her being hired- or not being hired. AND she should be paid exactly what a man would be paid, and get the same benefits as well.

    If a woman chooses to stay home and raise children and not work outside the home - more power to her. If that is her CHOICE, after reviewing all the other OPTIONS, then good for her.

    A "real" feminist does not degrade any woman's free choice to be a SAHM.

    But, if that same woman believes (or her husband believes) THAT is her ONLY option... well then Houston, we've got a problem. ;-)

    Remember, there's nothing wrong with stay at home DADs either, if that's the best arrangement for their family.

    The only area I am pretty much inflexible in is the right of a woman to control her own body and all it's reproductive functions according to HER own personal beliefs and/or morals.

    That is a woman's domain, end of story, period, no debate.

    If a man wants to control his sperm and reproductive organs, that's great too.... wear a condom (or not), get a vasectomy (or not) or keep your p***s in your pants.

    See? Men have choices too!   :-)

    And a woman has no domain over his body, either. Works out fine for everyone.  

    Oh and one more important thing; I don't believe "Feminism" should be limited to only the western cultures. I think the principles of feminism are virtually invisible and unattainable in far too many developing countries around the world.

    American and European women may choose to be "anti-feminist" or "feminist" and debate it till the cows come home; but there are women in Russia, Africa, Asia, China and many other places in the world who suffer the most extreme abuses and disrespect from the men in their societies. They don't have the choice to be feminist, or not.

    The world is a big place, and believe it or not, it's NOT all like America and Western Europe. But the battle against injustice, bias and abuse towards women has to start somewhere, and until we get it under control in our own backyard, we can never free up the other women in the world.

  4. I'm female (obviously) and I'm 16.

    I think that a feminist is a woman who believes that women should have equal rights to men, and that women should not face prejudice when they want to do something that is not part of the traditional role of women.

  5. A feminist is suppose to be a person who fights for the equal treatment and freedom of women.

    ...but whether thats the case is up for debate.

  6. Back when the term was first coined, a feminist was someone who worked for equal rights and fairness for women.  Unfortunately, today, a feminist is someone who just wants advantage for women, without regard to fairness or others' rights.  This is why "feminist" has become an insult in certain circles - it has come to be nearly synonymous with "female supremacist."

    To take an example: in the early days of feminism, most women did not go to college.  Feminists encouraged schools to reach out to girls and admit more females to try to remedy the imbalance.  The result today is that more females now make it to college than males.  If feminists were truly interested in fairness and equality, they would be working to get more men into college now; but instead, they continue to agitate for more college representation of women.

    So, if you want it summed up in one sentence: a modern feminist is a self-interested single-issue advocate who cynically uses a past generation's rhetoric of fairness and equality to achieve unfairness and inequality.

  7. Feminism is the radical thought that women are people.

    Feminist fight for equality between the s*x's in their own country and around the world.  To what degree, and what methods to use vary dramatically as there are many different groups of feminist.

    PS...if this is for homework and is suppose to be for a non bias population sample. GSW isnt going to work for that, as it is filled with feminist and anti feminist...ok and a few "non's"

  8. Dwasifar above hit the nail totally on the head.  In fact sir, that last line i'm going to write down for later reference if you don't mind.


  9. I'm old-school (over 40).

    To me a feminist is a person who advocates for equal rights and opportunities.

    I do not approve of the "modern" corruption of feminism which seeks supremacy.  And I am awfully tired of dealing with the backlash that the postmodern hijackers have caused.

  10. A feminist is someone who believes in equality between men and women.

    It's actually as simple as that.

    Men and women should be equal in the chances they have politically, socially, jobwise, healthcare, educational and so on.

  11. I think there are a lot of pre-concieved notions about who and what a feminist is, such as women who don't shave their legs since that is an expectation that men have placed on them.  Personally I don't believe those kinds of stereotypes since they are ignorant and maybe some feminists out there do act in such a way but that doesn't mean that every woman who holds herself out to be a feminist acts in the same way.  

    To me a feminist is someone who can stand alone in her own beliefs and has a strong sense of self.  She would live in a way that celebrates her femininity, such as doing exercises that are tailored to a woman's body and have strong relationships with other females that are based on a mutual love and respect, not just for show or a mask of competitiveness.   She would respect the fact that men and woman are different and that those differences are what can bring the 2 sexes together since they complement each other.


  12. There's nothing rude nor immature in my answer (unless a Feminist deems it to be).  I restrict the term "Feminist" to its use in the modern era, i.e. post 1985 wherein the key leaders of Feminism are Gloria Steinem, G. Greer & the late A. Dworkin.

    Feminists are (again, in the modern era) are a purely hate-driven group.  The philosophy of modern Feminism is predicated on hatred of men and those who disagree with this philosophy.

    Now if you were to include this in your class assignment, you'll probably get a bad grade (because they don't want to hear the truth), they want to hear about "equality" and "wage gaps" and "patriarchies" and nonsense like that.  But I'm telling your the truth.  Use the truth at your discretion.

  13. A feminist is like a fish on a bicycle, wrong and a danger to society.


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