
What, that is supposedly lacking in the Bible, does the Book of Mormon add??

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I believe that the Holy Bible is the complete Word of God. The Bible's book of Revelation warns damnation will come upon anyone who adds to or takes away from the Bible. What does the Book of Mormon supposedly add, in terms of life advice or guidance, that the Bible lacks? I believe it adds nothing, but I'd like to know the perspective of others on this topic. Why do Mormons believe the Book of Mormon is so holy and necessary, and that the Holy Bible is lacking? Thank you.




  1. I am not a Mormon, but I don't believe in any other books that contradict the Word of God. Some religions have their own book so they can take out or add things that they approve of and feel is right. This is deceiving-as the Word of God says. There will be many who will say, "But Lord, I have casted demons out in Your name, I have done this and done that," and God will look at them and say, "I never knew you."  

  2. The Book of Mormon clarifies many doctrines found in the Bible, but which are confusing and less than clear.   For example, how many Christian denominations are confused about the need for baptism?  Many denomations say that Christ taught us, in John 3:3-5, that it is necessary before we can enter heaven.   Other denominations say that no baptism is necessary.   Both positions cannot be right, nor should a book as important as the Bible be so unclear.

    What happened then, that the Bible is so confusing?  It has been translated over and over through the centuries, by mortal man who has follibles, and some of the Bibles clarity has become lost.

    Other points that the Bible is confusing on.....

    Amos  3:7 says that "God will do nothing except revealth his secrets to the prophets."  This sounds like God is in constant communication with his prophets and uses them to share his messages to us.   Yet, many Christian denominations do not believe in the need for prophets.    It is, after all, a need expressed in the Bible.   This is another confusing point in the Bible.

    Other things like priesthood authority, the need for marraige, church organization, the nature of the judgement and resurrection, the nature of heaven,  gifts of the spirit, the purpose of the Holy Ghost are unclear.   Yes, the Bible contains many truths.  But there are some things missing.  

    (If you would like an private email not wishing to take up space here, I can share with you some 8 books of scripture that the Bible refers to, that are missing from it.  Again, that seems like missing parts exist, but we do not know where they are).

    My final point, and the most important point I wish to make.   Who are we to tell God that he is done speaking to us?  Who are we to say, "God, we have your Bible, we do not want or need any more of your word"?  

    Would not God be the final say on whether or not he desires to share more of his word with us?    So, would not asking him be the right course to follow?   There is nothing wrong with prayer and the power of knowledge and revelation prayer can bring.        Why be afraid of prayer and asking God if he does indeed still speak to us?

    Ask him, as the Bible continually tells us to do.     "If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God..."  James 1:5

    I have done this and know that God speaks to us in this day and age, as well of as in times of the Bible.   He lives, and continues to rule and reign in the heavens and wants us to know his word, and know it clearly.

    If I a mere mortal man, would think that if my children who once heard my words are now confused, I would want to give them more words so that they correct their misunderstandings.....if I a mere human can come up with this logic, would not an all knowing God have the same compasion on his children and want them to not be confused with the confusing parts of the Bible?   I think he would speak to us again.

  3. The Book of Revelation does not talk about the Bible at all, because when it was written there was no such thing as the Bible. When it says not to add to the prophecies of THIS BOOK, it meant the Book of Revelation, not the Bible. The Book of Deuteronomy (chap. 4, vs.2) says the same thing as Rev. 22:18, does this mean that the rest of the Bible after Deuteronomy is wrong? Actually, that's why the Jews reject the New Testament, it is warned to them not to add to the Bible, which to them is the Old Testament.

    The Book of Mormon does not necessarily add to the Bible, but adds another witness to the gospel of JEsus Christ. It also means that God is not silent, that there ARE living prophets and apostles, and they head the Church of Jesus Christ.

    The Bible lacks a lot. The fact that so many people who claim to believe it to be the word of God still fight over what it is saying, some to the point of saying that if you don't believe it as they do, that you are going to burn in h**l, says that it is FAR from complete. If it were complete, if it ere perfect, if it were infallible, then there would be ONE church, not many many different denominations and non-denominations, all vying for power and membership.  

  4. A stronger patriarchy and a reason for multiple wives.

  5. It doesn't add to the Bible, it simply helps to clarify some of the more confusing parts.   You can't deny that there are parts of the Bble that are unclear as to the original intent or meaning, else there would not be so many and greatly varied sects of Christianity based on the bible alone.

    There are several sects of Mormonism as well, but they're differences are not usually over the Bible and Book of Mormon, they tend to be over latter day prophets and revelations.

    There are scriptures in the Book of Mormon that can be confusing also.  But they are clarified through the Bible.  If one looks at a Bible or Book of Mormon that was published by the LDS church, you will find thousands of footnotes that link various scriptures to other scriptures in the Bible and Book of Mormon, to help clarify the principles being taught.

    Here is a good example - a single verse of the Book of Mormon is linked to three other verses in the Book of Mormon, four verses in the Bible and a verse in the Doctrine & Covenants:

    When we say the Book of Mormon, Bible and others scriptures are companions, we are being quite literal.

  6. You say "The Bible's book of Revelation warns damnation will come upon anyone who adds to or takes away from the Bible". So if you deny additional revelation, you are taking away from the the BIble.

    Revelation 10: 7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

      8 And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.

      9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.

      10 And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.

      11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

  7. actually the book of mormon is more like a translation of the bible. it is suppose to make it more clear. that is what my church leaders tell me. (i'm mormon)

  8. You need to stop reading the Bible at Deuteronomy then, because Moses offers an identical warning in Deut. 4:2.  

    Clearly John and Moses were referring to their writings.  They wrote nearly the same thing, yet, the Bible wasn't canonized for hundreds of years....thousands in the case of Moses.  

    It's obvious (as you've clearly demonstrated) that there's more to just reading the Bible.  It can be interpreted in many ways, often incorrectly.  So, who's the authority to interpret the Bible?

    People have been at battle, sometimes literally, over the correct interpretation of the Bible for hundreds - arguably thousands - of years.

    The Book of Mormon is a second witness and a second testimony of Jesus Christ and his message.  

    Just as two witness add strength in a courtroom, so does the Book of Mormon add strength to the teachings and ambiguous areas of the Bible.  

    The Book of Matthew is fantastic, but we learn a lot with the addition of Mark, Luke, and John.  Even though there are some redundancies, we learn a lot more about Christ's ministry.  In the Book of Mormon we learn even more about Christ's ministry.  

    Let me ask you a question.....

    IF Jesus Christ really did visit other peoples, and if they documented what he told them, wouldn't you, as a Christian, really want to know what occurred then?  This isn't about Mormonism, this is about Christ's Gospel and his ministry.  It's about whether or not there is a prophet, like Moses or Abraham, on the earth today.  If there WERE a true and living prophet of God on the earth today, wouldn't that be something that you, as a devout Christian, would like to know???

    Lastly, as a Christian, you believe that God hears and answers the prayers of the sincere, the humble, and the faithful I'm assuming.   If you were to read Christ's words in the Book of Mormon, and then pray to God to know if they REALLY are his words, don't you believe that God would reveal that to your heart....that either "yes it's true" or "no, it's false".  

    I don't want you to take my word for it.  Read it, and then ask God.  

  9. Whoever said we believe the Book of Mormon to be holy while believing the Bible to be lacking? I believe the Bible to be the word of God. I also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. There are also other books that I believe to be the word of God, such as the Doctrine and Covenants and so on. I believe that with all of these books combined that it still would not give us all of God's word. "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written" (John 21:25). Of course, this all depends on what you classify as the word of God. If you're referring only to the Gospel of Jesus Christ (the way to be happy in this life and receive eternal joy and salvation in the next life), then I believe that the Bible and the Book of Mormon together contain the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One cannot stand alone without the other. Is it not taught in the Bible that "in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established" (2 Cor. 13:1)?

    In the words of one of the latter-day apostles, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, "The fact of the matter is that virtually every prophet of the Old and New Testament has added scripture to that received by his predecessors. If the Old Testament words of Moses were sufficient, as some could have mistakenly thought them to be, then why, for example, the subsequent prophecies of Isaiah or of Jeremiah, who follows him? To say nothing of Ezekiel and Daniel, of Joel, Amos, and all the rest. If one revelation to one prophet in one moment of time is sufficient for all time, what justifies these many others? What justifies them was made clear by Jehovah Himself when He said to Moses, “My works are without end, and . . . my words . . . never cease.

    "Continuing revelation does not demean or discredit existing revelation. The Old Testament does not lose its value in our eyes when we are introduced to the New Testament, and the New Testament is only enhanced when we read the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. In considering the additional scripture accepted by Latter-day Saints, we might ask: Were those early Christians who for decades had access only to the primitive Gospel of Mark (generally considered the first of the New Testament Gospels to be written)—were they offended to receive the more detailed accounts set forth later by Matthew and Luke, to say nothing of the unprecedented passages and revelatory emphasis offered later yet by John? Surely they must have rejoiced that ever more convincing evidence of the divinity of Christ kept coming. And so do we rejoice."

    If you'd like to know what the Book of Mormon has to offer, then there's only one way to find out. Read it. I find it interesting that before the Book of Mormon was ever even published, there was a prediction contained in it that talked about people in our day rejecting the Book of Mormon because they already have a Bible. It also contains God's opinion on the matter. The link to that chapter in the Book of Mormon can be found on the furthest bottom link.

  10. it's not an addition to the bible.and we don't believe that it is lacking. we just believe that the Bible isn't all that God left for us to teach us about Him. it's not contradictory to the bible, nor does it say that anything in the bible is false. the bible is a compilation of diaries (for lack of a better term) of men who lived before, during and after the time of Christ. it is full of prophecy, symbolism, and teachings. things that God want's us to know of Him-. the bible is of one geographical area, of one people, yet there were people the inhabited other places of the earth. did God only love the people of the Bible? did He not care if the others received the message of Him or knew of Him? everything in the bible answers that quesiton with a no. God loves all of His children and wants ALL to know and learn of Him. the book of mormon is a completely separate book derived of different authors (also a compilation of historical diaries of men of that land) with different stories. some overlap like the signs that would be given that the Savior was born and died. but even like you said- it doesn't add anything to the bible- it doesn't contradict or say something that happened in the bible didn't really happen. what it does do is drive home Christ's teachings, and what God wants us to know of Him. it's a testament- another witness that God is real. and that He wasn't just of the imagination of the israelite people. that His message was given to all, so that all may learn of Him. and that we are not left only with the account of the people of the bible. God even says in the bible that the things of Him shall come by two or three witnesses that His word may be established.

    Matt: 18:16 and 2 Cor. 13:1

    the book of mormon is not here to be some new idea of God or His teachings. it is to solidify the teachings of God and to bring conviction to His teachings that they are indeed true and that we are all to adhere to them. the bible and the book of mormon go hand in hand- while the accounts and stories might be different because it was from different continents and people- it goes to solidify that God is the same everywhere and that His message is the same and unchanging.

  11. It doesn't add or subtract from the Bible, it corroborates.

    It's the story of another group of people who also became Christians.

    You would think that people would embrace that instead of be suspicious of it

  12. Odd. Revelation was written 350 years before the Bible was compiled.

    Doesn't that view more or less d**n the lot of you?

    Well, its your religion. I can merely comment on its lack of rationality.

  13. Shucks - I got here too late.  All of my faithful Latter-day Saint friends in this forum beat me to any response I may have given (never met any of them, but they're my friends).  You didn't mention in your question rather or not you have read the Book of Mormon, though you stated "I believe it adds nothing."

    I have read the bible and know that it is the word of God.  I have also read the Book of Mormon and know it to be the word of God.  You can know the truth of it for yourself if you will but apply the invitation given towards the end of the book in Moroni 10:4-5.

    Thanks for the great question my friend.

  14. In Revelations John is talking about the book he was writing, the book that we now know of as Revelations.  John had no idea that when the writings of the apostles were collected and put into a book that his book would be last!

    With that said, you must admit that through the centuries of time there had to be some mis translations and even perhaps some words altered to hold to what the interpreter felt were true. This is one of the reasons the Book of Mormon is so valuable.  It came from the original authors, to Joseph Smith and was translated by the power of God.  

    The Book of Mormon is another witness of Christ.  It does not replace the bible but clarifies it.  Don't you think that it is quite silly to believe that after the compilation of our modern day bible that God would have nothing more to say to his children?  If this were true, then how can you believe that he answers prayers.  Isn't this personal revelation?  

    It might just be that God loves all people and knows that we need his council in this day and age too.

    I would like to show you how the Book of Mormon adds to our knowledge of important and vital subjects.  Let's take the principle of the atonement.  This is sometimes unclear to understand in the bible.  Did Jesus pay for all of our sins and we have nothing more to do but say "I Believe"?  Or, are we required to repent of our sins and is more required to make it into the kingdom of heaven.  What about Grace?  Where does Grace come in?  Now read these passages in the Book of Mormon and see if the whole concept of the attonement doesn't come into focus.

    Alma 11:39-41 And I say unto you again that he cannot save them in their sins; for I cannot deny his word, and he hath said that no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore, how can ye be saved, except ye inherit the kingdom of heaven? Therefore, ye cannot be saved in your sins.

      40 And he shall come into the world to redeem his people; and he shall take upon him the transgressions of those who believe on his name; and these are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else.

      41 Therefore the wicked remain as though there had been no redemption made, except it be the loosing of the bands of death; for behold, the day cometh that all shall rise from the dead and stand before God, and be judged according to their works.

    There is more to  read here but due to space I will let you turn to Alma yourself if you are interested.  If you would like to read more, go to, click on Gospel Library then on the Book of Mormon and then Alma Chapter 11.  You can read the Book of Mormon on line with no obligation if you are interested.

    Their are many other such subjects that are made clear through the Book of Mormon burt if you don't read it, how will you ever know?

    I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.  When I read it, I feel good inside and know that the words that I am reading are true.  This I bet you have also felt when you read the Bible.  We love the Bible also and hold it as sacred.  The Book of Mormon is an account of God's dealings with the people in the American Continent.  God loves all people, why would he only give council and scripture to those in the old world?

    I challenge you to read it and see for yourself.  It is a good book.  After reading it you can judge for yourself.  Good luck and happy reading.

  15. First the agument based from the Book of Revelations is without proper adherance.  The bible wasn't cannonized in chronological order.  The bible also wasn't written or compiled when the Book of Revelation was written.

    We believe that both books are equal in sacredness and both are witnesses to the truth.  Also, both need the testimony of the other to verify the truths.  "by the mouth of two or three witnesses"....

    I'll attempt to make a list, but please remember I'm not an expert at this.  I'll make this based off my own reading and learning.  Here is a list of items that the Book of Mormon helps clarify within the doctrines of the Bible.

    1. Jehovah = Jesus Christ in the Old Testament

    2. Creation and the Fall where part of the Omnipotent's plan

    3. The Law of Moses, in it's true form directed man to Christ

    4. The Lord chooses prophet's to proclaim his message

    5. Provides additional detail as pertaining to the Atonement of Jesus

    6. It answers the old "faith vs. works" argument

    7. Provides insight to the premortal existenceas explained in Job

    8. Provides another testament as to the "power of deliverance"

    9. Clarifies the necessity of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost

    10. Another witness to the resurrected Savior

    11. Identifies the means of man's salvation through the Savior

    12. Provides various prophecies being fulfilled as given in the bible.

    13. Clarifies the "fatherly" and other characteristics of the true God

    14. Clarifies the purpose and authority of the priesthood of God

    15. Testifies that those who the Savior appointed in Jerusalem were special witness and called with authority to serve in his chruch

    16. Testifies that the Lord keeps the covenants with his people

    17. Supports the bible as pertaining to the miracles of Jesus

    18. Testifies about the resurrection given to all men because of the atonement

    19. It is another witness to the gathering of the House of Israel

    20. It stands as a witness with the bible that Jesus is the son of God.

  16. The bible says that in the mouth of two or three witness shall every word be established. In this case the witnesses are two separate groups of people, the Jewish nation of the Bible and the American Indians in the Book of Mormon. They both testify that Jesus Christ is the true God and that he is the creator and ruler of all the earth.

    The BOM also clarifies important doctrine, such as baptism. The bible says that this is necessary, but it never lays out a specific method of baptism and this has led to much confusion. One group sprinkles water, others completely dip themselves and others don't think it's necessary at all. In 3 Nephi 11, Christ himself teaches the correct way to baptize and the language that should be used. Just one example of many clarifying teachings from the Book of Mormon.

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