
What,In your opinion,is the worst collateral damage caused by feminism ? ?

by  |  earlier

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You know ,things like :

abortion rates

destruction of family

family court injustice

Or whatever you think are the worst byproducts of feminism ?




  1. Hmmm the death of the earth as we know it.  Because inorder to continue with our race the two sexes must do it and make babies.  Well if all the guys are mad at the girls and all the girls mad at the guys then no one makes any babies and just because people couldn't just BE FU-CKIN nice to one another the world stops turning for our race.

    Here's my advice both genders SHUT THE F UP we wont get anywhere fighting stop hating everyone and that goes out to EVERYONE.


    PS if your already nice then BE NICER. LOLOL

  2. Well, let's see.  Men aren't allowed to rape their wives anymore.  Bummer.  I mean, that alone practically brought "chivalry" to it's knees.

  3. Less strippers.

    edit: Or should that be fewer strippers?

  4. Of course we all know the good that feminism has done, ladies.  Thanks for pointing it out....once again.  But how narrow minded of you  to believe that ANY movement or ideology doesn't have a negative impact along with the positive?  

    Perhaps you don't care to hear it, but here is my input....

    I think that the most negative impact are the liberal laws and views on domestic violence, sexual harassment and rape.

    It creates victims where there are none, victimizes the people who are wrongfully accused,  takes away from the severity of the crimes and demeans the trauma of people these crimes are committed against.  Essentially, these crimes are taken LESS seriously by law enforcement, the judicial system and the general public.  It renders actual victims powerless and causes them to be looked at with suspicion and disdain.

  5. Promiscuity in teenaged girls?  But its okay for teenaged BOYS to be promiscuous?  Wow, that's rather one sided.  Also, there has always been promiscuity in teenagers.  Always.  Not to mentioned many were being married in their teens (and solved the problem of teens having s*x out of marriage).  

    And there have always been abortions.  For thousands of years.  Feminism hasn't changed that.

    Destruction of family?  How so?  Because of divorce rates?  So would you rather that women (or men) be forced to stay in abusive or unhealthy relationships?  Would you rather that they had no choice and HAD to stay with their partner no matter what the treatment?  Not that I'm saying I agree with divorce, because I don't, but sometimes it is needed.  The ability for a woman to issue a divorce is in direct correlation with the amount of social freedom she has-- for example, if a woman can issue a divorce and still be considered socially acceptable (and marry again) that is a society that has more equal rights.  Think the opposite to the society that does NOT allow women to divorce (free of social stigma).  Even if their husband beats them, cheats on them, mistreats them, or fails to provide for them, they can not issue a divorce-- does this sound FAIR to you?  Is that what you want for your daughters or the daughters of your daughters?  This is the kind of society that usually limits women's rights-- such as not being able to go to the doctors because the doctor (a man) would have to see their bare skin (Afghanistan).  

    And where are these lower qualifications for some professions?  What professions?

  6. Your reputation, ya crumbum.

    Destruction of family? By this do you mean women speaking up when their husbands abuse them? Abortion rates? That's a legal choice, so you really can't say they're "damage". You need to read up and come back to this website when you have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

    Thumbs down this question all you want, but you're not changing my opinion.

  7. Destruction of the family for sure. With every no fault divorce that takes place just because she needs to "rediscover" herself regardless of what it does to the husband and children. More men distrust women and more and more anger is generated.

    Freedom for women is great and I am all for it. But to see how so many squander those freedoms to harm others is just ridiculous.


  8. The worst damage is the fact that men still have not attempted to catch up and look at themselves.  We now have women working all day long and then coming home and doing all the same things our mothers used to do while they were home too.  There seems to be more open promiscuity, but the women can only be that way if there are men that are willing too as well. I think we really need to look at what our men believe their roles are in society, what does it mean to be a good father and a good man.  Women said they were not going to sit back and be treated like slaves...they stood up for their rights, now men need to learn how to be more in touch with how to be more sensitive to their wives and childrens needs.  How can they become better partners, lovers, friends etc.. In not growing, men have remained stagnant as a gender and still expect s*x without relationship, committment or is the next generation that concerns me...will there be a respect for anyone and will women have to continue to do it all?

  9. In my opinion, feminism takes the worst parts of womanhood and amplifies them. While it purports to empower women, it actually weakens them. It's a shrine to victim hood and bitchiness. I can't blame feminism directly for societal developments, because I think it is one of many factors, but I do feel it is detrimental for women in the long run.  

  10. Distortion of it's intent. ( that considered collateral?)

    Followed closely by bad attitudes among men like yourself.

  11. Abortion rates - women can choose to abort if they wish BUT I believe that more common sense use of birth control would bring the rate down.

    Destruction of family - women in the old days were conditioned to stay in an abusive marriage and it was also for the sake of the children.  Today, women can instigate divorce and don't stay in abusive relationships as much as before.  One loving parent is better than 2 fighting parents.

    Family court injustice - this is where I agree with you.  Even though men may be granted visitation rights, the woman can decide on the visiting day that it's not convenient for him to see the children.  A lot of men want to desperately see the kids but are denied in some cases.

    And the most damage caused by feminism is some men not wanting to accept change.

    The best thing - having to listen to my rants.

  12. The collateral damage is the same as that which is caused by masculism and machismo:

    you know, things like: rapes, misogyny, promiscuity and degrading values in young men, abuse, abortion rates.

    why is this even a question, all these things are caused by men also, except it wasn't labeled by anything (like you are labeling them as a byproduct of feminism), they have ALWAYS been a product of masculinism which has existed since the dawn of civilization. now that women have the balls to turn back, society (or in this case men) decide to blame it on women which also they have been doing since the dawn of humanity.

  13. DEATH.  They help commit Gendercide.  Many men (and their children suffer too) have committed suicide or died of a heart attack because of unfair VAWA laws.  

    False domestic violence is a killer of men.  

    Men die going thru divorce and no one talks about this.  It's swept under the rug.  Some feminists here laugh at them and spit on their graves.

  14. Girls Gone Wild videos.

    I'm a feminist, but it does irk me that feminism, while freeing women to do what they choose, has lead some to choose to drunkenly get naked and attempt to dance in front of a bunch of leering men holding video cameras. That's showing the establishment what for, ladies.

    That's class.

  15. Groups of marauding men giving other men a bad name by blubbing their complaints over the internet forums.

    That's the worst byproduct.

  16. The whining of some  insecure men on internet forum

  17. The hatefulness that men and women show towards each other out of their own interpretations of feminism..  This just perpetuates the ugliness and everybody loses..

    Divorce.. takes two to make it or break it. Both parties no longer have to just sit an suck it up in cases of abuse because it is no longer taboo.

    Out of control or promiscuos teenagers have two biological parents.

    Both need to be looking out for their children no matter what either believes on the subject of feminism.

    The last comment is in the hateful catagory and does not merit an answer.

    The real collateral damage is something we have mutually as men and women been doing to each other because we can't seem to grasp a concept as simple as equal in value but biologically different.

    Because "we" as a society are such fabulous examples for our kids, we will contunue to see all the above mentioned collatoral damage.

    So dads Keep on retarding your sons emotionally and teaching them how not to be an open loving parent, keep on telling them it's moms

    job to kiss your boo boos and mine to teach you not to cry and above all that nailing all the females you can will be your ultimate measure as a man because that is what they are there for son, so you can get your willie wet and make sure to tell your friends .., and moms, keep on telling your girls it's your body..your choice.. so not to worry, and certainly don't lose a job or miss a day of school or a night of sleep over it.

    Keep on telling them that men are pigs and they always will be so you might as well just start hating them now, so you will be good at it by the time you are grown. Yeah.. lets just Keep on teaching these lovely pearls of wisdom.  It would be awful to just respect and value each other simply because we are human.

  18. I have to say:


    -"Wimpiness"/lack of masculinity in men

    -Long hours for work

    -Increase of children in daycare centers

    -Destruction of the family unit.

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