
What,if any, herbal or natural remedies work for anxiety?

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What,if any, herbal or natural remedies work for anxiety?




  1. Valerian is the best but take it at home first because the first time you take it, you may feel high.   The only draw back with Valerian is the smell.   In cap form, this isn't a problem.

    Chamomile is good and so is Gotu Kola.   The last one has nothing to do with caffeine or the cola nut.    I wouldn't recommend Kava Kava as someone else mentioned it's linked to possible liver damage.  It has been banned in some countries such as Germany.

    Vervain is another one but I really never saw any benefit to it.   Passion flower and some claim St. John's Wort.    I think St. John's Wort is over rated and the effects are in your head.    Also, with St. John's Wort it can make you sensitive to sunlight and this herb has been known to poison cattle.

  2. Valerian is really powerful. It's like a herbal valium. I used the pure herb made into a tea with honey when I was stressed. I forget if I got it from Culpeppers or Neils yard.

  3. I have used several natural herbal blends that are specifically formulated for anxiety. Clarocet is the name of one of these remedies (they have several different formulas depending on your needs). Amoryn and Seredyn are made by another company. I have personally tried products from both companies and have found them to be helpful during past episodes of anxiety, restlessness, and mild panic attacks. Wishing you wellness. P.S. The remedies I mentioned are available online from their manufacturers - just do a search and you can read more about them.

  4. st johns wort is a good natural remedy but check that it wont interfer with any other medicine you are on at the moment.

  5. calomine tea (can get it mixed with spiced apple and spearmint too) and the herbal remedy called 'kalms' which are pills

  6. Theres lots.


    -Kava Kava, but its illegal some places... and can be bad for your liver.

    -Camomile tea

    -St. John's wort


    -Passion Flower


    Theres more but the best is weed.. honestly.

  7. Yes St John's Wort is fantastic. It works after just a few days. It's subtle and you will be amazed at the results. Get the one-a-day tablets.

  8. bachs Rescue Remedy is excellant.  I use it whenever i have to do public speaking.  Also lavander essential oil dabbed onto my sleeve and plenty of deep breathing!

  9. Chamomile is a usually effective and very safe anti-anxiety herb. Its active substances bind to the same sites in your nervous system as valium, so it's actually something like an herbal valium (although it's structurally different).

    Technically, valerian would be more like an herbal depakote than an herbal valium, but it does calm people down.

  10. kava kava is posibley the best documented.  Make sure you get a standarized extract.

  11. The first thing you should try is this.Magnesium Chloride tablets-520 mg x3 daily.Zinc-50mg x2 daily.Selenium 50mcg x2 daily.Vitamin B-6 x3 daily.Vitamin-E 400IU x2 daily.Vitamin C 500mg x3 daily.Flax Seed Oil x3 daily.Chlorophyll tablets or liquid 3x daily.Drink lots of water and you'll feel a Big  difference in just a few days.Here's something All of you should read.

  12. If you drink tea, check out the herbal tea's Morrisons do some nice ones,In fact I have gone on to De-caf tea, but wean yourself off normal tea slowly

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