
What ‘dream college’ would you most like to attend if acceptance or cost weren’t issues?

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The Princeton Review recently surveyed high school college applicants and asked them: "What ‘dream college’ would you most like to attend if acceptance or cost weren’t issues?" The schools students most named were:

1) New York University (for the third consecutive year)

2) Harvard

3) Stanford

4) Princeton

5) Columbia

6) Yale


8) Brown

9) Georgetown

10) University of Pennsylvania

What do you think of this and what would be your 'Dream College'?

Source: The Princeton Review’s “College Hopes & Worries” Survey (2007)




  1. In the US, it'd be Harvard. Boston is an amazing college town, and Harvard is in one of my favorite sections of Cambridge. It's got a beautiful campus, and they offer a ton of classes that interest me. They have majors that I like, an intellectual rigor that I appreciate, and one heck of a brand name.

    Or... Brown. Brown isn't in Boston, though, which is why I didn't pick it at first. But the part of Providence it's in is really cute, it's a great school with a nice vibe, and I could do a dual degree with RISD, which is one of the best art schools in the world. That gives Brown the edge to me re: academics, but it's not in Boston... so I'd probably pick Harvard.

    Overseas, it's be University College, London. It's in one of my favorite neighborhoods in one of my favorite cities, and is a very well respected university with a lot to offer. Oxford may have a bit more prestige, but UCL is right in London!  

  2. My issue is neither cost nor acceptance - I'm a bit bound to location.  If I could though:

    1) Harvard to study business

    2) Oxford to study literature and anthropological genetics

    3) Al-Karaouine in Morocco - just because they were there first

    What I'd really like right now is an experiential adventure.  Maybe something humanitarian in the outback somewhere.


  4. Boston College

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