
What 1 decision did Obama make in his life that impressed you the most?

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If you are voting for Obama, what one decision did he make in his past that impressed you and would qualify him to be "Commander in Chief, President of the United States, leader of the free world"..I am really struggling here because he is a great speaker and I like him, but I need some substance.




  1. After graduating from Columbia and then Harvard Law he could have taken a high-powered, high-paying job at any of many different law firms.  Instead, he chose to return to the Chicago's southside to be a community organizer, a very selfless and noble act.  Aside from that, he has created an incredible campaign organization.

  2. Well, he had the American flag on his plane painted over with that silly symbol of his.  

  3. In the 2 years he was in majority in his state senate, he sponsored 780 bills, and 280 of those were signed into law. In his first year as U.S. Senator, Obama held 39 town hall meetings throughout Illinois, and in senate, sponsored 152 bills and resolutions, and cosponsored 427 more. He has a proven track record on public display of working to reach solutions that all sides can support, or at least accept as well-intended leadership.

  4. In general, he's a level headed speaker that speaks my values.

  5. The only wise decision he has made recently is choosing Biden as VP. Being that he (Obama) is not ready for office and Biden will need to be the puppet master.  So ask yourself, do I want Biden as president and Obama as a figurehead?

  6. The "substance" you need will not come from any of these answers, it will have to come from Obama himself.

    A platform of "change" and "yes, we can" and the new and improved "change we can believe in" are not going to carry him through to November - he will have to elaborate and detail just what changes, how he will implement the changes, how he will pay for the changes and many other details concerning his promises and proposals.

    Stay tuned, this campaign has really just begun.

  7. His pick of Biden for VP... Picking the guy that is strong in every weak area that he has, is a really good move... It shows that he is willing to do what it is necessary to be a well balanced leader... as appose to just picking someone to get more votes from a certain state...  

  8. He changed his name to Barry and then back to Barack again.  That shows leadership skills, a solid foundation of moral principals, the ability to deal with pressure, and the willingness to adapt (or shall I say change?) to new situations.

  9. That he decided to use a staple gun instead of a desk top stapler to put up those posters.  That shows decisive leadership and foreign policy qualities.

  10. He decided to stop wasting time and get his life together. That's not so easy for a lot of people.


  12. The decision to join Jeremiah Wright's Trinity church.

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