
What 1 thing annoys u most at a restaurant?

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What 1 thing annoys u most at a restaurant?




  1. Smoke wafting in my face as I'm trying to eat.

  2. Kids that constantly cry or screaming.  Take them outside for a few minutes till they calm down,  I do.

  3. When people let their kids scream and yell and run around like they have aboslutely no idea why that would bother other people while we are tryin to eat!!!    I don't let my kids do that at home much less out in public!!!   And then they say over and over,  "quit it" "quit it" i mean it "quit it" but it NEVER STOPS!!!!!  UUGGGGAHHHHH drives me nuts

  4. Rude people chatting on their cell phones !!~~~

  5. what i find annoying is, uneducated waitrons!!!!

  6. When my mouth is full of food and the server comes up and asks how my meal is.....

    Come one...!!

  7. when you don't get refills or when they refill your dirty cup or when they take away a cup with drink in it before giving you a new cup..

  8. ppl that talk really loud on there cell phones while at dinner.

  9. When my drink glass stays empty for any length of time.

  10. When I'm seated next to children whose parents allow them to scream and holler and don't take the time to show them how to behave in public and discipline them when appropriate.

  11. When I have to wait longer than necesary for the waiter/waiteress to come and take a drink order or the food order, or if they take forever to pick up the check to give me change.

  12. Waiters/waitresses who swoop in too fast to claim your plate before you're finished eating.

  13. When the server holds the glass from the top. Yeah! Like Im going to put my lips there.

  14. Inattentive service is my main irritation.  I've walked straight out of supposedly top notch restaurants where servers were busy jiving each other, thereby ignoring their customers.  But, I always speak to management on my way out.  They need to know  what's going on.  Never get mad without getting even.

  15. when they ask you how everything is right when you're stuffing your face

  16. when the staff is rude

  17. When you make reservations for a large party, show up five minutes earlier than the appointed time, and are told that there will be a 20-30 minute wait because "we just had a large party come in, and we have to seat people on a first-come, first-served basis."  Why the h#ll do you take reservations, then?!?!?!  Grrrrr!

  18. When they put a 10% service charge on the bill, AND expect a tip.

    (this is in the UK).

  19. There is nothing that a restaurant can do to annoy me because I used to work for one for many years.  If something goes wrong on the restaurant's side I know what the explanation is so I let it go.  It is the customers that make it difficult.  I hate it when parents take their kids to restaurants and they are screaming and the parents don't even pay attention to them, mexicans are notorious for doing this.  I also get annoyed when customers give the host staff c**p because they aren't being sat yet.  So the number one thing that annoys me at restaurants is the CUSTOMERS that have never worked a day in the restaurant business.

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