
What 1 thing contributes the most to making a society a dystopia?

by  |  earlier

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If there was a dystopia, what would contribute the most to it.

Ex. Lack of ethics or Lack of individualism




  1. consumerism which will lead to the lack of distribution of wealth.  While the poor keeps getting poorer because they keep buying sh-t they don't need suffering from the idea that money is happiness, when they really don't have's the rich that keeps laughing all the way to their swiss accounts.  Than the poor has to gather together and wear spiked shoulderpads and feathers on our head and fight till death at Bartertown!!!  okay, maybe not the Mad Max scene, but even in dystopia, the rich will be...well, greedily rich.

  2. lack of respect to human rights

  3. lack of control of one's future

  4. Societal Anomie.  A lack of norms and sense of shared community is most destructive to a society.

  5. lack of communication

  6. lack of competent honest people in world governments.

  7. I think plutocracy contributes to dystopia.

  8. When people stop fighting to keep it from becoming one.

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