
What 10 things do you want to do if you were dieing?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering ???????




  1. 1) Ride in a hot air balloon to Socotra

    2) Scuba dive

    3) Write an award-winning novel

    4) Raise a beautiful garden

    5) Teach 3rd and 4th graders

    6) Get my songs out

    7) Build a ton of wells in Africa

    8) Fall in love

    9) Go back to the 1980's in Europe

    10) Meet David Banks there

  2. 1. Skydiving

    2. Go to Las Vegas

    3. Go to Hawaii

    4. Invent something amazing

    5. I can only think of four things which is sad but thankfully I am not dying soon.

    You could go see the movie the Bucket List because that is what it is all about I think.

  3. I would travel to places I always wanted to go, I would Spend more time with my family and friends, I would quit my job and join a rock band! 10 Is a lot of things!

  4. do something UNFORGETTABLE so that if i died, i would be remembered forever [& hopefully for a good thing!]

    and i would make sure that when i died, i didn't regret anything i did.

    i would do anything that i always wanted to do and had never done before

  5. 1. see a consert in maddison square garden

    2. travel the world

    3. go to collage

    4. thank everyone who has ever helped me in any way shape or form

    5. buy my grandparents a new car

    6. take my little sister and cousin to meet hannah montana ( even though  i dispise hannah montana )

    7. have one huge family reunion

    8. become organized

    9. get married

    10. make my family proud of me

  6. 1. fall in love.

    2. travel the world.

    3. see the jonas brothers in concert.

    4. spend time with my friends and family.

    5. visit my grandma once more.

    6. skyydiving.

    7. tell the person i like that i loved them.

    8. smile til the sun goes down.

    9. party til the cops come. [hahahaha]

    10. && lastly. i'd want to live the life i was always scared of living.

  7. Take my husband to Paris

    Take my kids to Disney

    Visit Las Vagas

    spend the summer with my family at the beach

    make love to my husband on the beach

    set aside mom time for each of my 3 kids..... individually

    develop all the pictures I never had a chance or time to develop

    make photo albums for my kids

    say good bye to all my friends

    Say im sorry to everyone that I need to

  8. skydive

    go back to my home town one last time

    take a last fishing trip

    one last round of golf

    tell the boss to take this job and shove it

    see one last thunderstorm while sitting on a mountain top

    leave what i have to the salvation army

    get up early enough to see a pretty sunrise

    find homes for my pets

    call some of my family members and thank for what they have done over the years

  9. 10) Rent a Z06 Corvette and test its max speed

    9)   Be a camp counselor

    8)   Visit distant friends

    7)   Visit distant family

    6)   Make amends

    5)   Finally find myself spiritually

    4)   Tell my loved ones that I'll watch over them

    3)   Tell my loved ones that I love them

    2)   Hug and kiss him

    1)   Tell him that I love him and make sure he knows I mean it


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