
What 2 branches is the Legislative Branch divided into?

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What 2 branches is the Legislative Branch divided into?




  1. senate and house of representatives

  2. One: The Branch of Southerners / Texans who Don't Know A Thing about Legislature.

    Two: The Sexually Inactive Bitter 40 Year Olds Who Would Sentence A Man to Death Because He Looked at Them The Wrong Way.

  3. The senate and the house of representatives (Congress)...

  4. S and HR


  6. the senate is one and the house of reprisentives another

  7. The legislative branch is divided into

    1. the senate

    2. the house of representatives

  8. The honest and the crooked?

  9. house of representatives and senate

  10. Generally, not specific to any country, upper house and lower house.

  11. The Legislative branch is divided into the Senate and the House of Representatives, due to the Great Compromise, in which different states-some bigger, some smaller-argued over being represented in the government, depending on their size.

  12. Senate + House of Representatives = Congress

    The legislative branch of the federal government consists of the Congress, which is divided into two chambers -- the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each member of Congress is elected by the people of his or her state. The House of Representatives, with membership based on state populations, has 435 seats, while the Senate, with two members from each state, has 100 seats. Members of the House of Representatives are elected for two-year terms, and Senators are elected for six-year terms.

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