
What 2 do when a pet hamster is bleeding from under?

by  |  earlier

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the tail and how 2 help it get better?




  1. apply pressure and neosporin to the wound. hamsters are hardy animals and should heal very quickly

  2. it might have bite it self what is bleeding can you tell?  

  3. Is your hamster a female? If you mean she is bleeding from the first hole under her tail, she might be 'in the heat' (ready to mate). If she is doing everything normally, she probably is.

    If she/he seems in pain, take her/him to the vet. If she/he is 'peeing blood', then she/he may have UTI, or a urinary track infection. Get her/him to the vet pronto! Good luck and God bless! ^-^  

  4. did it bite its self? take it to the vet asap thats the only way to help it can u take a pic and send me?  

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