
What 2 games should i pre-order?

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i have enough money to pre-order 2 games for now. The games i really want are Gears of War 2, Resident Evil 5, Call of Duty: World at War, Mirror's Edge and Prince of Persia. Which 2 games should i preorder? probably Gears of War 2 is a must-pre-order so just add another great game.




  1. Definetly Gears of war 2

    And call of duty:world at War


    Resident evil 5><

    what about fallout 3

    or                                      both really good><

    Mercineries 2                  

  2. Im a die hard resident evil fan but its way to early to pre-order, go with gears for sure, im also a huge call of duty fan but with treyarch making world at war, it might flop so i'd hold on til a demo comes out. you should look at games like Fallout 3, and Dark Void. those are big sleepers, and check out Dead Space. that game is gonna be huge. i dont know if your into fighting games or not but if you are look at Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe, or UFC 2009

  3. Call of Duty: World at War

  4. ok u got Gears of war 2 (the game of the decade) now i advise u should preorder Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe- Nov. 3rd it looks pretty good

  5. Resi 5 isn't coming out for a year or so so wait for that. Me personally I would say Gears and Mirrors Edge. ME looks like it could be an all time classic, definitely one of the most original games of the last five years.

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