
What 2 get her !!!!!!?

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what is the best gift 2 get my girlfreind we have been goin out 4 a year nxt week and i want 2 get her somthing specail nt like jewlery r perfume sumfin meaning full any answer is welcome im stuck lol thx




  1. if u can, try and find lots of photos of both of u and put them in a photo album. u could put them in order from the beginning of ur relationship right up until now and have nice captions underneath some of them. or dont give her anything, take her out to dinner or a romantic picnic and give her the best date of her life

  2. just get her a necklace with a memory behind it

  3. get her custom anything, custom m&m's, guitar picks, etc.

    and write her a poem or a song. the present doesnt have to be expensive, just meaningful

    like write her a poem and then get a book she wants to read, or your favorite book that she hasnt read, and then circle a letter per page and then she'll read teh book and write down the letters and then she'll have the poem =) i've done it before, but i gave it to a guy, idk if he read it or not lol

  4. Prove to her that you can spell and use punctuation correctly.................

    Women like smart guys.

  5. You know your girlfriend better than anyone so it needs to be personal. I know you did not want to get jewlery but a good watch is always good.

    I know this sounds corny but if you have alot of pics of your time together over the past year but them together in chronological order on windows movie maker or other software and have "your" special song playing while the slideshow plays. It will show her you put time and effort in and that you remember the special times etc....soppy i know but effective!!!


  7. If u have enough money then gift her a Platinum Ring

  8. it depends on what she is like.... i would want my bf to get me something that reminded me of him when he saw it..... u knw. sappy c**p. it doesn't have to be expensive as long as it comes from the <3

    good luck!

  9. A book can be a very classy and intimate gift and it would show her that you believe her to be intellectual.  Barnes and Nobles will even gift wrap for free.  There are so many great books (it doesn't have to be a long novel or anything) For example, if she's into art, there's a book that shows I think it's 1001 of the most beautiful paintings in the world. has some beautiful books about fashion, decor, poetry, organic food, biographies of famous inspiring women, etc that you can browse.  (look under 'For the Home', then 'Living' then 'Read') but Amazon has them for half the price so browse at anthropologie and buy at Amazon :-)  

  10. Grab her from behind

    kiss on her cheek

    and say


  11. a diamond ring or earrings, your choice

  12. like get her somthing to remind her of a special moment you guys had together.

  13. get her something that will remind her of a special date or moment in your relationship

  14. A poem or song is always good and meaningful if you wrote it.  

  15. i dont recommend the whole "song or poem" thing. because unless youre really good at writing, youre just going to sound like an idiot. haha. id probably go with a necklace and/or teddy bear. or maybe take her out to eat or a romantic movie. :)

  16. Go with a nice necklace or bracelet, stay away from the perfume. Jewelery is always nice:)

  17. it always depends does she like the beach get her something with poka shells

    if she is a girly girl get her a locket

    if she doesn't really fit in a category get her a stuffed animal of her favorite animals some roses or lily's with a necklace around the stuffed animal's neck

  18. If all else fails, go for jewelry. You could get her a big teddy bear (put some of your cologne on it) she'll keep it forever and then make/take her to dinner or recreate your first date.  

  19. Get her a ring or necklace. She'll love it :)

  20. Try talking to her friends and asking about what kind of stuff she likes. You don't need to spend lots and lots of money, you're right that meaningful presents have more sentimental value than a pretty necklace you bought from a jewellers. Try making her something if you're crafty too. If you're not really into jewellry, even so, a cute heart locket with a pic of you two in it makes a good gift, or bake her cookies or a cake if you know that's what she likes. A little joke or reminder of a good day out in her birthdy card is thoughtful and cute too. You could also take her out on a date where you first met, or something.

    hope that helps--x

  21. Don't just get her a gift take her out on a date, give her the gift at dinner, Send flowers to her work earlier in the day. At dinner give her the gift       ( jewlery is the best way to go). Make it the best day of all, oh and if you want to do a little extra send her to a spa for an hour or two, girls love that... i know i would.  

  22. if you really want to surprise her get her perfume ring or necklace and some chocolates with flowers

  23. Get her a real nice watch like a citizen, or maybe even a nice sterling silver necklace. Perfume is okay if it's top of the line like juicy couture, j-lo, or even usher. Giving her both jewelry and fragrance always work, because some stores gives you free gift with purchase so you have more to give.

  24. First of all congrats!

    A year is very very good.

    I wish you guys all the best in the future!


    Well perfum and stuff are wonderful.

    But you should all think of a moment you shared within your realtionship , and put it into a gift, that way she knows its from the heart, those gifts are always the best,

    Oh and a poem would be nice, Its a way to express exactly how you feel.  

    well i hoped i helped,

    if not sorry.


  25. be romantic get a room.sprinkle rose petals on the floor onthe bed get a jacuzzi tub fill it with bubbles and a few rose petals.also light candles maybe get some to go meal from a restaurant she has and just make her feel special the whole night tell her how much she means to you.make her feel so good and i promise you she will always remember this don't forget the slow music maybe a cd of her favorite slow you are such a sweetheart for going through all of this just to make your anniversary special.not to many of yall left let her know she's lucky.congratulations by the way
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