
What 2 things we need to take out in order to have world peace ?

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  1. Hate and revenge

  2. good morning brother

    great question

    i will not give you two things,i will tell you many things which can make world peace and can make our earth like heaven

    1 through perserving nature

    our earth had been polluted by foolish humans,air pollution,water pollution is making earth h**l,idiots humans are cuting forests and so different floods are coming and tigers are coming in villages areas,to to increasment in co2,it felt that after few years ice will melt down.

    1 we should grow more and more trees.

    2 we should use cng in our cars etc so they must not cause air pollution.

    3 we should neither waste nor spoiled the water,you know in india,how indians waste water,the public in countries like oman,jordan know the value of each and every drop of water.

    4 we should harness solar energy in electricity and for vechiles,sceintists in usa had made a solar plant,where research is going on,to how to usa solar energy for running vechiles

    if all of us,you me and all the citizens of this world will decide to preserve the nature,than our world will sure be heaven.

    2 Feeling of brotherhood towards follow Human beings

    where humanity had gone,human being is killing another human,father is rapping daughter,mother is killing there kids,patience had not left in humans,over silly mattars they fight and kill each other,you can see lot of fights in road rage,due to political intrests some politicans are killing other humans,to encourage riots this world had became a h**l.

    you know how mr pig hitler kill millions of innocent humans.

    1 we should adopt patience in life and should think that we will never speak such words that will harm other person may be once we should tolerate other person nonsense.

    2 we should do selfless acts and should perform all our duties towards family,friends and the country.

    3 we should always elect resposible politicans and if they are not running the government properly,than we should through them out.

    4 we should serve our nation by joining government services and should through the corruption out and should maintain peace.

    5 minor government is run by police officers,mcd officers,ias officer,they should not involve themselves in corrouption and should check the corruption in ministers.the should perform there dharma.

    when all the citizens,will think like this,and will adopt patience in life and will perform all there duties towards nation,family ,this world will be heaven.

    3 By helping poor,physically ill and animals

    always help poor,needy and helpless in there life,it not mean that we should give them money,that will bring bad habit in them and will make them beggar,government should provide them full opportunity for there development.

    2 we can give money to blind,leprosy they cannot work at all or some kind of job opportunity.

    3 there are many doctors who never take care of poor public and there fees are very high,but there are some great doctors,who charge no rs and cure the poor,modern world need that type of doctors who charge no money to poor,or they should charge less money to very poor humans who cant afford money.

    4 we should always help animals,there are some idiots who are very cure towards animals,they beat them,they kill them,we should love animals without them our life is incomplete,we should give death sentence to those who kill innocent animals,those hunters.

    i always give milk to stray dogs near my home,i see god in dogs and all the animals.

    when all of us will think like this and will help poor,needy and animals,this world will became like heaven.

    4 By removing all type of diseases mental as well as physical


    1 real world peace does not mean,that no one will kill another person,real world peace mean that each and every individual is mentally and physically fit,we should fight dangerous diseases ourself,we are responsible by ourself for our diseases.

    2 we should not take drugs,alchoal in excess they causes various diseases,we should not induge in s*x with prostitute,that causes lot of aids.

    3 we should be aware of various diseases and should not do such activites so we will suffur by them.

    4The great practice of SUN Meditation

    earlier i remain in depression all the times,than i started practicing sun gazing,we had to concentrate on rising sun,it had removed all my diseases,mental as well as physical and my mental strength and increased a lot,all of us should perform sun gazing,pleas search brother sun meditation on google.

    5 we should also performed yoga or gym any other physical activity,may of us are lazy and never do exercise.

    when all of us will fight against diseases this world will became an heaven

    5 By applying great teachings of sri krishna,buddha,jesus christ,muhammad.mahavira,confucious

    1 we should apply knowledge in our practical life,knowledge is useless if we not apply it in our practical life,it is just like dust not more than that.

    2 buddha,krishna are great human beings we can all became like them through our hard work,we should not considered ourself inferior to them.

    3 we all should check fraud pandits,and preists,who make fool of innocent public and waste there time and money,and many times innocent humans are also killed because of these religious fundamentalist.

    when all of us will follow teachings of buddha,krishna,jesus than this world will became like heaven.

    " how much holy words you listen,how much holy word you read,what is the benefit if you not apply them in your life"


    6 By fighting against injustice and evil.

    " Evil exist not because of the bad humans,evil exist because Good humans do nothing to check it"

    albert einstein

    1 if 6 bad boys were beating a innocent boy and group of 50 mans is watching the show,they all are cowards,if all of them decide they can save that boy and againt those bad boys will think 100 times before beating a innocent,but usually crowd enjoy the show and laugh.

    we should always save the innocent.

    2 we should make us bold,powerful because in this cruel world only strong survives,weak is always exploited.

    3 history shows that always strong and great humans had fight against inustice and bring humanity,we should always fight against injustice and should get power,to save innocent,to save us and for perserving humanity.

    when all of us will fight against injustice,than surely this world will became like heaven my brother.

    7 Duties towards ourself of every human in this world.

    1 we should always respect our elders and youngers.

    2 we should always love our parents and should never do such acts that will harm them,they are real god.

    3 we should follow celebacy till marrige,and should enjoy s*x after marrige,s*x is great.

    4 we should always love our country and our earth and should protect it and should preserve it by all means.

    when all of us will fullfill our duties this world will became like heaven my brother

    god bless you brother and will give you,power beauty and knowledge

    all the best for the future

    god bless all the humans,animals and our mother earth.

    by all these means we can bring peace to this world and can make it like heaven

  3. Self-center and revenge.

  4. Organized religion and the concept of money/possesions.

  5. men and women

  6. The Human thinking capacity and anything that can be used as a weapon.

  7. free will and religion

  8. Only one thing: humans

  9. Religion maybe...although that may make things worse.


    Watch a million people put oil.

  10. Religion and politics.

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