
What 3 things should be done to raise the quality of our primary and secondary education???

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What 3 things should be done to raise the quality of our primary and secondary education???




  1. Assuming that the top-down, hierarchal design remains in place:

    (1) Replase the top-down, command-and-control design; it's outdated and absymally flawed.

    (2) Shift from an economic model of education to a social model; this actually ensures that every child has access and opportunity.

    (3) Keep the lawyers out of the loop.

  2. Students begin to slack off and skip school these days because THERE ARE TOO MANY RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1)  no gums in classes!

    2)  no cellphones in school!

    3)  no eating in the classroom!!

    4)  no goofing off!

    5)  listen to the teacher at all times!

    6)  theres no freedom for ****'s sake!

    And I could defenetily go on.    The schools don't allow ANYTHING anymore and thats the only reason they've been losing so many students.  I see dozens of students skipping lately,  and I have too.

    Nobody wants to fix this because they think it's good.

    Well guess what.....

  3. I expect lots of thumbs down on this one because these are lots of controversial thoughts, but here goes....

    1. I think most importantly--get the disruptive kids out of the classroom so those children who WANT to learn can learn and teachers become teachers rather than entertainers/disciplinarians. Make the stakes higher for parent of older children by getting parents to sit in classes with their kids for a day if they continuously act up or move them to learn in an alternative setting.  You can't teach kids who do not want to be there! Getting an education is a privilege--not a jail sentence!

    2. I think ELL students should be taught some subjects in their native language for a FINITE period of time. I am suggesting major ELL groups per district be serviced like this..not that a teacher should be hired for each obscure language.  So much is asked of these poor kids. They are very bright, but they are often assessed on their English skills in all subjects, not their math/science skills--hence they are set up for "early failure" in all of their classes. Of course, they should also continue with ELL services to bring them up to speed in English...and support should be given to the entire family in English classes.

    3. I feel since all teachers have to go through certification and licensing in each state..maybe some control should go back to the local level and some trust put into the teacher's hands on how best to teach his/her students. Instead of spending lots of money annually on standardized testing...maybe spend half of this money on providing resources that teachers can utilize to help them in the classroom and test every other year!  

    Teachers are supervised and assessed within their own schools and districts--put some trust back into the system.  If there isn't trust within the system...consider revising teacher contracts to eliminate tenure. In the business world--a bad accountant would be fired regardless of how long he had been on the job...why should a bad teacher be different?

    4. Finally, I suggest that in addition to paying taxes to support the school systems, parents be required to contribute in some other way to the educational system. Once a year: clean up the grounds one weekend morning or volunteer to shelve books in the library or stand in the cafeteria and supervise one lunch, one time collate something at home for the teacher, coordinate classroom phone tree for snacks...something---ANYTHING! A taxpayer with a child in the school system should do more than a taxpayer without a child in the school system. It would be good for parents to know firsthand what their children are involved in and good for the children to know their parents care.

    Ok...I think I'm off my soapbox now.  Can you tell I've had a rough week...LOL.  This was a very good question!

  4. btween_moves, I think you are right on the ball! Kudos to you!!

  5. 1) Better govoner

    2) better presidant

    3) the day money stops ruleing our country and govorment is the day everything will be better!!!!

  6. 1. Up the ante for broken homes by penalizing fathers who leave their children with their mothers. An expectant woman whose impregnator refuses to marry her would be forced to pay a substantial fee that would go straight into the school system. If he leaves her after marrying her, then a lien is taken out against his future earnings. If he cannot or does not pay, then he goes to prison.

    2. Give students the right to fail students without reprisals for them (the teachers). A student who flunks out of school goes right into the work force.

    3. Re-institute compulsory military service, so society is bound together. The rich are more firmly tied to the poor. That way public schools would be more equal and be truly public again.

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