
What 3 things would you do to improve world cricket?

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What 3 things would you do to improve world cricket?




  1. Make it that if you are put out you must be hit on the *** with the bat by each player.

    The bowler plays naked

    The ref wears a gimp mask

    The batsman wears a tutu

    The rest wear bunny rabbit suits

    Oh and the crowd must say- ooga booga shigga wala bing bong" everytime someone is put out.

    Then I may consider watching it.

    Basically - 1.Alter rules

                        2.Alter uniforms

                         3.Alter crowd ethics

  2. A) Makes the wickets more even, 60 bowling and 40 batting.

    B) Give complete authority to the umpires, their word is law.This Include the third umpire.Catches should be referred to the tv Umpire,LBWs should be handled in the center.

    C) As a occasional player , I would recommend whatever happens on the field stays on the field. You cannot expect them to not say word to each other for five days in a row. If not turn on the microphones and lets us hear what they say, then we maybe able to figure out who said the wrong thing.

  3. 1. Pitches - support both batsman and bowler between 60-40 or

    40-60. Not a flat one or swinging one.

    2. Stop sledging - introduce sporting talks and no personal attack.

    3. T20/20 - bowl out is a shame to end the game without any competition between ball and bat. Introduce hit-outs between

    ball and bat.

    Stop commercializing the T20 as it is in current state. Bring on other associate and non-members into play.

  4. Only one thing to do and that is ban it

  5. #1. Try to make the name more exciting for world play.

    #2. Come up with better cheers, crowds need to get larger and more into each match.

    #3. Press conferences, develop some major personalities (bad guys, good guys)

    #4. Have a team like the Yankees that everyone hates and wants to beat.

    #5. Steel bats

  6. Here are my 3 things -

    1. Allow for more than one bouncer in an over. Upto 3.

    2. Make them prepare pitches that support both the bowler and the batsman.

    3. Allow upto 3 decision challenges for players against umpires decisions.

  7. 1.Premier leagues T20 in all test playing nations and upcoming cricket nations

    2. More number of ODI tournaments in all cricket nations

    3. Improving Pitches for Test Matches to get results.

  8. make the pitch rectangular with goal post at each end, throw in an oval ball, or even round ball for that matter, and have one team send pictures of the other teams captains naked wife to the press


    or have a simultaneous picture in picture mode displaying a room with paint drying

  9. get rid of it   3 times over

  10. Nothing too radical from me:

    1: Improve the conditions and variability of the pitches. Too many around the world are the same and it's boring. Spin bowling is becoming a dieing art because of this, how many spin bowlers are match winners nowadays (outside of Murali)? Not many and not often. Pitches are too batsman friendly and it needs to change.

    2: I'd like to see a champions league type competition where the top county/state teams from each country play each other. It would be a better breading ground for future international players and would give players (especially the younger ones) an experience of playing abroad and would help develop their skills under different conditions and on different pitches. Plus it would add a new exciting element for the fans of the county/state game and might entice more people to attend games without the need for all-star Twenty20 tournaments.

    3: Improve/develop the women's game to a degree to where it is on a par with the male game. That would include more sponsorship, better tournaments with proper series's where they play 3 or 5 games. This would mean getting rid of the current 1 test tournaments (like they had in the recent women's Ashes). They don't reflect who is the better team if they only get to play 1 game! And equal pay for the same amount of work, let's not forget that until a few months ago women cricketers earned nothing! And compared to the men they're still getting paid a pittance. Oh and they might want to start with getting rid of those new uniforms! They're ridiculous. I've noticed that the more popular the women's game becomes, the skimpier the uniforms are! How sexist! I'm talking about this ugly thing:

  11. I would add it to school sports in all secondary education, with organized matches, when I was a lad we had a game every Saturday and that really pushed it. Nowadays organized matches in schools seems to be non existent and this must also affect the quality we see coming through.

    Technology that is available should be used, it takes away a lot of the ill feeling and makes it a fairer game.

    Lastly I would enforce any ICC rulings without appeal, and throw out any country or player that thinks its bigger than the game.

  12. Firstly go back to uncovered pitches.

    Secondly increase the number of overs required in a days play (weather permitting)

    and thirdly reduce the proliferation of One Day Internationals

  13. Spin friendly pitches/each test playing country to have one indoor arena/floodlit tests finishing late,so people coming from work can watch live cricket

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