
What 3 things would you like to change or improve about yourself this year?

by  |  earlier

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Here's the present tense question :)





  1. Control my temper.

    Try not to get into any more fights. lol

  2. *Study more

    *Spend more time with family

    *Cut down on eating chocolate :( seems tough though lol

  3. - Less swearing

    - Praying ATLEAST  two times a day

    - Respecting my parents more... learning to keep quiet when they are super annoyingg...

    - Studying moree.. less TV!

    - Reading Quranic Translation at least once a day

    - Controlling my temper

  4. Stop smoking

    Pray 24/7

    Stop getting aggressive so easily


  5. Spend more time doing things i enjoy.

    Go see my husbands family.

    Not stress out so much...

  6. I will ask Allah to increase my will to find another job and apartment.

    With my responsibilities so fresh and not older they need stability until I find the perfect situation. Oh and I need to get more sleep. and some more other stuff.

    All can only happen with the will of Allah.


    EDIT: and roxxn I didn't report your, forreal, hahahah

    I thought maybe you deleted it yourself. It wasn't a bad question. But there is no way you can go back in time and if anything as such were possible you cannot change what Allah has decreed.


  7. Rather less, sleep less, talk less and meet fewer people for worldly pleasures. This is prescribed by Sufic saints for the up -liftment of soul  

  8. Work on having a better relationship with my father.

    Work on being healthier so that my body can support a healthy baby. And that even after the baby is born inshallah, I will be able to teach it healthy habits.

    Be better Muslim and a positive role model.


  9. I pray i wont tell lie ever again.

    I pray i'm wiser in dealing my problem.

    I pray i can do and be a useful person for anyone around me.


  10. Study more

    Drink less alcohol

    Become a vegetarian

  11. I don't want to tell you.  It's a secret, sorry.

  12. 1) Become a much better Muslim and use authentic sources to find my answers

    2) Stop using the internet for finding things out about religion (very unreliable, that's why)

    3) Become a hafiz-of-Qur'an and consider wearing abaya full time!

    4) (sorry, I have more than 3!) Achieve great things in my Islamic classes and get the trophy this year!

    5) Do well in college, get my Arabic and Islamic studies GCSE's from my Saturday class!

  13. 1) Spend less time on computer

    2) Read Quran more and try to study more about Islam

    3) Be more serious when its work time :P

    Haha like 1 and 3 are gonna happen, but inshAllah i really want 2 to happen !! :P

  14. Be a better role model for the young ones.

    Study hard in School.

    stay on the right path and pray salahz 5 times day EVERY DAY

  15. for me: to stop day dreaming  and do something about my financial issues. Daydreaming will not solve anything i say it and say it, but i just say it.

    Do something women, again i am saying it and not doing nothing about it ouffff

  16. become a much better muslim

    pray all the time

    keep away from the sins as much as i can

    may Allah keep us in the straigth path

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