
What'll bring society back to 7th century medieval times faster - Islam, global warming n***s, or lack of oil?

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What'll bring society back to 7th century medieval times faster - Islam, global warming n***s, or lack of oil?




  1. The only thing that would take us back to a 7th century life-style would be the continued ignorance of people that think oil is unlimited and no amount of human activity could possibly affect the climate.  As long as people with a little more common sense are in charge, we'll face both problems with a calculated careful approach that will allow for continued human prosperity and mitigate the effects of global warming to an acceptable level.

  2. True Islam won't.  Islam is derived from the Christian religion, which in turn is an offshoot of Judaism.  Today's terrorists espouse their own perverted religion, which doesn't reflect the actual Muslim religion, just as many fundamentalist Christian views do not reflect the views of the majority of Christians.  When a Christian evangelist says that Hurricane Katrina was a punishment from God for the sinners in New Orleans, that is a cruel and dangerous allegation and the kind of thinking that could take us back into a time of superstition, hatred, and intolerance.  Religious fanaticism is not just the province of terrorists.

  3. It wont be lack of oil.  There's plenty of it.

    I suggest it will be the leftist environmentalists.  Islam can't quickly conquer us, as Islamic armies are pathetically inept.  The Muslims can only conquer slowly, through demographic upheaval.

    The leftists, on the other hand, can bring it all crashing down with the stroke of a pen, if we are silly enough to afford them that sort of authority.

  4. People closing their eyes and minds.  People that think Islamic n***s are just like the rest of us but poorly understood and global warming is a drastic problem that needs to be solved right now need to open their eyes.  It is strange how those people that believe that way are consistently leftist but then again, global warming alarmism is a leftist cause.

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