
What're the dangers of getting my tongue done?

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I'm thinking about getting my tongue done and I was just wondering how dangerous it actually is like what're the chances of getting brain damage from it and stuff? Thanks, Becca xx




  1. Ok, i know of several people who have had it done and had no problems but also have a friend who had this done a few years ago and she ended up having a trachaeoctomy. Her tongue got infected and started to swell up. In the end she was rushed to hospital and had the above procedure done. (making a hole in the throat and passing a pipe through to allow air in and out) She is fine now, although she has a major scar from the op and  no she didn't keep the piercing in! She was in hospital for a week and lost a lot of weight. Its your call so make sure you go somewhere reputable and take a friend. If you start to feel unwell or cant breathe properly get to the doctor or hospital asap. On a personal note, the idea of having a piercing in my tongue makes me feel all funny! I know i couldn't do it!

  2. You must already be suffering brain damage if you want to mutilate yourself.

    Why do people want such un-natural things?

  3. You mean a piercing...?

    well basiclly that isn't the smartest piercing to get because ur tongue is Full of viens && G-d forbid u get pierced wrong by accident , cuz accidents do happen its human nature....

    here r the cons...

    -Might hit a vein, meaning paralysis,lose taste && lots of other problems

    -autmatically when u pierce it u lose 5% of ur taste buds, hitting a vien or not

    -they can ruin ur teeth...the metal from the ring will crack them

    -U can get throat infections && other oral infections

    -Infections in genarl cu the mouth is a dirty area && well germsss

    - basically it causes more problems that I have read about but I forgot, Google it for more info

    Yes I understand wanting a piercing but this has risks, if ur willing to go thru wit it && ull take care of it Good luckk, make sure ur parents r cool with it, because if anythng goes down Ull need them.

    GOOD LUCK && ENJY =)

  4. when you say "done" i assume you mean pierced?

    the piercer will (should) look at you tongue before piercing it, they will then know if there will be any dificulties. most ppl can get it pierced with no problems.

  5. my cousin did it, whole tongue went black because the muscle died or something, i wont tell you the rest cos to be honest it makes my stomach flip!

  6. Getting your tongue done? WTF does that mean?

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