
What's 1 goal you are setting for yourself this year?

by  |  earlier

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To not chicken out of joining the Marching Band LOL I will learn to play!!!! ^_^




  1. to pass my classes and get my high school diploma...

  2. To get straight As while having a job so that I can go to Italy over the summer and hopefully travel the rest of Europe as well.

  3. to find someone who likes me for who i am on the inside than how i look on the outside

  4. Move out of my house, and get my OWN place, not my mom's not my dad's, my own place. I need to get out on my own..and soon.

  5. To work really hard and earn lots more money so I can catch up on some bills.

  6.   My goal this year is to pass all my college courses and keep above a 3.0 GPA so that I can get into grad school next year.  

    Oh and marching band is fun.  I played clarinet and saxophone.  Played for 18 years.  Started in 4th grade all the way through my 2nd year of college.  I've even played a concert at Disney World.  Good times, good times. Also, people who play an instrument increase their brain power.  Go you!  

  7. To live beyond my next birthday!

  8. for my soccer team to win states and that i get a shutout every game (im a goalie)

    for me to do well in all of my classes this year so i can get a scholarship for basketball

    for me to come out to a few more of my close friends

    and to get a gf this year

  9. Pass my SSATs (not SATs, these are for high school)

    do a lot of community service

    not fail out of the honors math class i got into (smartest 13 out of 63 :D)

  10. To have you!!!

    M' SERIOUS!!

  11. well welcome back to this section LOL I MISSED you too haha but yeah umm really for me it's to join soccer and be able to enjoy it. But yeah umm that's it or at least pass this yr

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