
What's 9th grade like?

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im a little nervous/anxious about my first day of high school and i was wondering your opinion about your high school expirence? any regrets or tips?




  1. Well, I can tell you high school is alot harder than middle school.

    Just focus on school work as much as you can.

    I went to a freshman-only campus, so my experience may be a little different..

    you have alot more freedom than you did in middle school. if you had coke breaks or reccess last year, you probably won't any more. I'd reccomend meeting some friends that are older (drive to school, have a parking space) or getting a ride with an older sibling or a friend's older sibling.

    it's a little overwhelming at first but you'll get used to it.

    you get to go to dances and all that, so you get some more fun things to do.

    good luck!

    study hard, ha.

  2. yes just be your self and try to make friends. dont make any enemies

  3. well it really depends on a lot. For me 9th grade was really no different than middle school. It depends on what your school is like, but it wasn't that different for me. I mean yeah, you will meet new people and the class expectations might be different, but you really shouldn't worry that much. As far as upperclassmen go, my only advice is not to go walking around advertising that you are a freshman. they're not going to be mean to you [like shove you in a locker or something] but don't try to act "all that" now that you are in high school. trust me, you won't impress anyone. just keep up with your grades and schoolwork because that's the most important thing in high school and it's what people usually regret not doing. also get involved in sports, clubs, or activities. it's a great way to meet new people. just stay the way you are and don't try to change. i know that sounds kinda cheesy, but it's true. good luck!

  4. just be yourself. seriously even if it is cliche. no matter if youre a geek or cheerleader or just that person inbetween, there are going to be some other people just like you looking to make friends.

    and challenge yourself academically. youll regret it later if you dont.

    and try to involve yourself in a few extracurriculars you find really interesting.

  5. im going to 9th next yr too. i would guess it depends on what classes u r taking. i think im going to die of the advanced classes...ah im scared

  6. I'm going to be a sophomore, and it just so happens that 9th grade can only be described in one word: new.

    New people, new teachers, and a whole new ballgame shape your first year. The work gets a bit more difficult as the teachers expect more from you, but that's about it..

    One thing I regret is not networking enough. Sure, I met a lot of new people, but if I had been more adventurous, I would've met many more.

    Join some clubs, get good grades, and just enjoy the time you've got in high school!
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