
What's America doing to stop global warming?

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I know that we are doing enough to encourage it, but what are we doing to stop it??




  1. Right now, it's mostly being done on the State and local level:

    "Republican governors team up against global warming"

    That will change 20 January 2009.

    EDIT - Global warming is not Bush's fault.  The lack of Federal action on it is.

  2. well, the Government is doing very little to help stop it.

    The people are doing a lot more.

    recycling, planting trees, better windows and doors, insulation, solar, wind, hydro power.

    I see more people walking and taking mass transit then even last year.

    I say you should get involved some place and help out!

    The best place to start is at HOME!

    Think Global Start Local!

  3. I won't validate global warming.  But I think America is making progress on becoming more 'green'.  

    Co2 emissions from the period of 1990 to 1996 in the US are down nearly 10%, as opposed to China +40%, India 47.7%, South Korea 69.2%, and Saudi Arabia 51.2%.

    Granted, our share is the highest, but give credit where credit is due, ours went down!

    CFL's are helping to reduce our electrical use, even though they contain hazardous materials like mercury.

    Hybrid cars are continuing to be pretty popular even though their batteries contain hazardous metals and acids.

    Recycling continues to be easier and more consumer friendly even though most recycling still ends up in landfills.

    Telecommuting is becoming more of an option for most office workers, even though all computers use electricity.

    MPG continues to improve on most passenger cars, even though most commute times are going up due to populated roads which increases stop and go or idle times.

    I think we are doing enough for the environment, there is always room for improvement.  But I think we're making great strides.

    What is America doing, specifically, that harms the environment?  You're making an awful big accusation.

    Recent Edit:  It's all Bush's fault.  Bob knows it.

  4. We're creating awareness of the problem.  Thats all.  And we're getting ready to holds hands across the country to create even more awareness of it.  That should make you feel good.

  5. Jan. 20Th 09' can't wait. Their in planning stages right now. We have an election coming up remember! Taxes will be implemented, prices of everything will go up! your children will probably not be allowed more than 1 child! The list goes on. Boy are you poor Indians in for a surprise!!

  6. I don't know why, but I stopped lighting my farts on fire.

  7. i only let my cow burp twice a day

  8. As President I would Take water out of the depositing of sewage process. Begin self-generating non polluting forms of natural energy usage. Such as beginning construction (manpower needed in the millions) of the jet stream wind power collection devices that would power enlarged bank teller type tubes in tunnels throughout the country, and eventually the world. (Jet streams have over 150 mph winds available at elevations beginning at 3,000 feet). Restore forests, remove roadways, increase the water surface of our states by digging more streambeds. etc, etc. I would give civilization a chance at continuing earth's life into the future. And I would remove power from earth destroying corporations even if it meant civil war.

  9. America is cutting emissions by offshoring entire industries for a quick buck. As a bonus to greenies no more jobs means no more driving to work.

    As our manufacturing base dwindles the real question is what will the third world(who now does our manufacturing) do to "stop global warming".

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